party with pink plates

Party with Pink Plates

Party with Pink Plates
Target text


Associate the letter P with the /p/ sound as in party, pear, and plate.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • party
  • pink
  • plate
  • pear
  • pasta
  • popcorn


  • Pink plates and cups
  • Pink and purple markers
  • Party menu printed on pink paper
  • Pictures of food or food items that start with P
  • Writing practice page
  • Book: If You Give a Pig a Party by Laura Numeroff (optional)

The children will have a letter P party as they practice writing the letter P and saying the /p/ sound as in pink, plate, and pear.

Literacy Activities
Pass out paper plates and cups

  • Have a few children act as waiters and pass out pink plates and cups for each child while everyone politely says, "Please pass a pink plate," emphasizing the /p/ sound.
  • Invite all the children to sit down and practice writing the letter P on their plates with pink and purple markers. 
  • Ask the waiters to pass out pink menus to everyone then return to their seats.
  • Help the children identify the items on the menu as you point out that all of the items start with the letter P, which makes the /p/ sound. 

Order foods that start with P

  • Let the children pick a menu item and pretend to order it from a waiter.
  • Have the children say “please” when they order their items.
  • Help the waiters serve the food items (or pictures of the food) on the pink plates.
  • Pretend to pour pop into the guest’s cups.

More Practice
Play Pass the Pink Plate

  • Place the picture cards on a pink plate, and then have the children sit in a circle.
  • Have the children take turns choosing and identifying a picture from the plate, then passing the plate to the next person.
  • Each time a card is identified, have the child point to the letter P on the card as all the children say, "/p/ /p/ /p/ ___ (e.g., pickle) starts with P!" 

Write the target letter

  • Help the children write the letter P while producing the /p/ sound.
  • As they write, point out the shapes included in the letter P (i.e., lines, circles and half-circles).
  • Have the children draw pictures of foods that start with the /p/ sound below the letters (e.g., pizza, peanuts, pears, pickles).
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SEEL At Home



Associate the letter P with the /p/ sound as in pink, party, and peas


  • Picture cards or foods beginning with P 
  • Plates

Activity: P Plate Party

  • Pretend to have a party with your child.
  • Set out a plate for each person at a table and put the picture cards or food items on another plate. 
  • Pretend to order and eat foods beginning with the letter P (e.g., pizza, popcorn, pretzels, pineapple, popsicles, pancakes).
  • Make requests such as, "Please pass the p___ (e.g., peas)!"
  • Help your child write and illustrate a menu of foods that start with P
  • Read the menu with your child, emphasizing the /p/ sound (e.g., /p/, /p/pizza) and pointing to the letter in each word.
  • As you review the menu again, have your child point to each letter P and say the /p/ sound.
  • picture cards
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.