Queen's Quilt

Associate the uppercase letter Q and lowercase letter q with the /kw/ sound as in quail, queen, and quick.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- queen
- quilt
- quack
- question
- quail
- quarter
- Castle with Queen Quillet graphic
- Quilt squares
- Quilt writing practice page
- Yarn attached to a pencil
- Queen Quillet Needs a Quilt song
- Music for the song "Old MacDonald" (optional)
The children will make a quilt for Queen Quillet and practice saying the /kw/ sound in words that begin with the letter Q, such as queen, quilt, quack, question, quail, quarter.
Literacy Activities
Sing Queen Quillet Needs a Quilt
- Point out the words queen and quilt in the text for the Queen Quillet Needs a Quilt song.
- Explain that the letter Q is usually spelled with the letter U after it, and the letters qu spelled together make the /kw/ sound.
- Teach the children the Queen Quillet Needs a Quilt song, which is sung to the tune of "Old MacDonald."
Make a quilt for Queen Quillet
- Show the children Queen Quillet’s castle graphic and explain that the Queen needs a quilt made of Q words for her cold castle.
- Cut out the quilt squares and hole punch the corners of each square.
- Show the children how to stitch the quilt squares together by weaving the pencil attached to yarn through the holes on the corners of the squares (support as needed).
- Repeat until all the quilt squares have all been stitched.
- Make a list of the Q words used throughout the activity (e.g., queen, quilt, quack, question, quail, quarter).
- Point out that each word on the list starts with the letters qu, which together make the /kw/ sound.
More Practice
Identify the target letter
- Write the uppercase letter Q and lowercase letter q on the board and emphasize out that the letter Q makes the /kw/ sound.
- Display the text for the Queen Quillet Needs a Quilt song.
- Have the children circle the uppercase letter Q and lowercase letter q throughout the text and have them produce the /kw/ sound each time they circle a letter.
Write the target letter
- Give the children the quilt writing practice page and help them write the uppercase letter Q and lowercase letter q in a pattern on the quilt.
- Have the children produce the /kw/ sound each time they write a letter.
- Allow the children to color the quilt (optional).
SEEL Target Texts
Queen Quillet Needs a Quilt
And on that quilt she needs a quail.
With a Q-U here and a Q-U there.
Here a Q, there a U, everywhere a Q-U.
Queen Quillet needs a quilt.
Queen Quillet needs a quilt.
And on that quilt she needs a quarter.
With a Q-U here and a Q-U there.
Here a Q, there a U, everywhere a Q-U.
Queen Quillet needs a quilt.
SEEL At Home
Associate the uppercase letter Q and lowercase letter q with the /kw/ sound as in quail, queen, and question.
- Quilt picture cards
- Yarn
Activity: Queen Quillet's Quilt
- Cut out the quilt picture cards, punch holes along the sides, and attach yarn to the end of a pencil.
- Point out that the letter Q is usually spelled with the letter U after it, and the letters qu spelled together make the /kw/ sound as in queen.
- Have your child circle the letter Q in each word on each picture card.
- Ask your child to produce the /kw/ sounds each time he or she circles the letter Q.
- Help your child stitch the pictures together by weaving the yarn through the holes in the pictures.
- Allow your child to decorate the quilt by writing the letter Q all over the quilt with the crayons or markers.
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Queen's Quilt