Super Sweater

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- super
- sweater
- song
- Sweater or sweater graphic*
- Super S graphic*
- Super Sweater Song*
- Picture cards*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will make a super sweater as they practice saying the /s/ sound in words that start with the letter S, such as stretch, soap, and swan.
Literacy Activities
Sing the Super Sweater song
- Attach the Super S graphic to a sweater or the sweater graphic.
- Point out the S on the sweater and explain that the letter S makes the /s/ sound.
- Teach the children the "Super Sweater" song to the tune of "Happy and You Know it."
- Scatter the picture cards around the room and have the children gather the pictures while singing the Super Sweater song.
- Help the children decide whether or not the word on each picture card begin with the /s/ sound.
- If the word starts with the letter S, tape the picture to the super sweater.
- If the word doesn’t start with the letter S, put the picture aside.
- Have the children circle the letter S at the beginning of the words that start with the /s/ sound.
More Practice
Write the target letter
- Help the children write the letter S on small pieces of paper.
- Allow the children to attach their letter cards to the super sweater.
- Have the children say the /s/ sound each time they attach the letter S to the sweater.
Identify the target letter
- Read the text for the Super Sweater song.
- Have the children find and circle the letter S throughout the text, saying the /s/ sound each time they circle a letter.
- Read the text again and have the children write an S in the air every time they hear a word that starts with the /s/ sound.
Identify the target sound
- Make a list of the following words: sat, sad, sip, sit, sub, sun, set.
- Help the children identify the beginning and ending sounds of each word on the list by tapping their head for the beginning sound of the word and toes for the rest of the word (e.g., sat = /s/ tap head + /at/ tap toes).
- Point out that all of the words have the /s/ sound at the beginning of the word and start with the letter S.
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SEEL Target Texts
Super Sweater Song
If you like my super sweater, point to S!
If you like my super sweater, point to S!
If you like my super sweater, and you want to make it better,
If you like my super sweater, point to S!
If you like my super sweater, point to S!
If you like my super sweater, and you want to make it better,
If you like my super sweater, point to S!
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SEEL At Home
Choose the letter S with the /s/ sound as in super, sing, and sweater.
- Super S graphic
- Picture cards
- Sweater
Activity: Super Sweater
- Attach the Super S graphic to a sweater and remind your child that the letter S makes the /s/ sound.
- Hide the picture cards around a room, then have him or her search for the cards.
- Help your child decide whether or not the word on each picture card begins with the /s/ sound.
- If the word starts with the letter S, tape the picture to the Super Sweater.
- If the word doesn't start with the letter S, put the picture aside.
- Help your child write the letter S on paper to stick to the Super S Sweater and ask him or her to say the /s/ sound each time he or she sticks the letter S on the sweater.
- The activity can be repeated as many times as desired.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Super Sweater