Sheepdogs Like to Shred

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- sheepdog
- shoe
- shred
- shirt
- shark
- ship
- Shopping bag
- Stuffed dog or sheepdog graphic
- Picture cards or objects that start with sh
The children will pretend to be sheepdogs and shred items as they practice saying the /sh/ sound as in shred, shirt, and shoe.
Literacy Activities
Shred Sh things like a sheepdog
- Tell the children they will act like sheepdogs and that sheepdogs like to shred (tear up) things.
- Give each child a piece of paper and instruct them to write the letters sh on the paper.
- Instruct the children to shred the paper with letters sh and make the /sh/ sound as they shred.
- Comment that the letters sh make the /sh/ sound.
Find out what Shelly Sheepdog shredded
- Minimally shred the letter cards or objects and put them in a shopping bag.
- Show the children the bag and the picture of Shelly Sheepdog and tell them that Shelly Sheepdog shredded things in the shopping bag.
- Have the children pull items out of the bag one at a time.
- Point to the name of the item and say, “What’s this? It’s a ___! What did Shelly do?”
- Have the children respond by saying, “Shelly shredded the ___.”
- Together as a class, while shaking your finger and your head and say “Shame on you, Shelly! You shouldn’t shred ___!”
- Tape each item that Shelly shredded to the board or set the objects on a table.
- Label the objects and have the children underline the letters sh at the beginning of each word.
- Comment that Shelly only likes to shred things that start with the /sh/ sound.
More Practice
Play Pass the Shopping Bag game
- Fill the bag with sh and non-sh picture cards (folded in half).
- Have the children sit in a circle to take turns passing the shopping bag.
- Have each child remove a card and decide if it begins with the letters sh.
- If the card begins with sh, have the child say the word.
- If the card does not begin with sh, have the child replace the card in the bag, shake the bag, and pass it along.
- The child will then replace the folded card in the shopping bag, shake it and pass it along.
- Emphasize that the letters sh make the /sh/ sound.
Write the target letter
- Make a shopping list of all the items that you need to buy because Shelly shredded them (support as needed).
- Comment that everything on their list starts with the /sh/ sound.
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SEEL At Home
Associate the letters sh with the /sh/ sound as in shape, shell, and shoe.
- Picture cards
- Shopping bag
Activity: Shelly Sheepdog Shreds Shoes
- Pretend that Shelly Sheepdog shredded things that start with sh.
- Help your child make a shopping list of things he or she could buy at a shop to replace the things that Shelly Sheepdog shredded (e.g., shoe, shirt, shell, ship, shark, sheep).
- Set up a shop with the picture cards and pretend you are the shopkeeper and your child is a shopper.
- When your child enters the shop, hold up different pictures and ask, "Are you shopping for a ___?"
- Have your child say, "Yes, I'm shopping for a ___. Shelly the sheepdog shredded my old ___!" (e.g., shirt).
- After pretending to buy an item, have your child put it in his or her shopping bag.
- Repeat with other pictures.
- Have your child underline the letters sh in each word in the shopping list while saying /sh/.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Sheepdogs Like to Shred