Ship the Sheep

Ship the Sheep
Target text


Associate the letters sh with the /sh/ sound as in ship, shore, and sheep.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • ship
  • sheep
  • shore
  • shark


  • Masking tape
  • Shady Shore sign
  • Picture cards
  • Ship graphic
  • Shark and sheep graphics
  • Book: Sheep on a Ship by Nancy Shaw (HMH Books for Young Readers, 1992) (optional)


The children will ship sheep on a ship and say the /sh/ in words such as shore, sheep, and shark.

Literacy Activities

Sheep on a ship

  • Read Sheep on a Ship by Nancy Shaw (optional) and have the children listen for words that begin with the /sh/ sound.
  • Write the word ship on the whiteboard and explain that ship has two meanings: it can be another word for boat, or it can mean to send items somewhere.
  • Point out that the letters sh make the /sh/ sound as in ship.
  • Give each child a sheep graphic and have them write the letters sh on the sheep graphics.
  • Make a shoreline on one side of the floor using masking tape and tape the Shady Shore sign above it.
  • Allow the children to pretend to load sheep onto the ship graphic from the Shady Shore.
  • Let the children pretend to ship the sheep in the ship across the ocean.

Sharks by a ship

  • Assemble shark headbands using the graphics below and select a few children to wear the headbands and pretend to be sharks.
  • Place the picture cards in the ocean (the space beyond the masking tape shoreline).
  • Have the sharks choose a space to stand in the ocean and explain to them that they must remain frozen in place throughout the game.
  • Have the remaining children pretend to be ships and explain that they must stay away from sharks while gathering picture cards. 
    • The sharks can try to tag the ships as they collect the picture cards.
  • Once the ships have gathered all of the picture cards, help the children decide whether or not the word on each card begins with the /sh/ sound.
    • If the word begins with the /sh/ sound, let the children keep the card.
    • If the word does not begin with the /sh/ sound, have the children throw the card back into the ocean.
  • Repeat as many times as desired, allowing the children to alternate playing sharks and ships.

More Practice

Identify the target sound

  • Make a list words from the activity (e.g., shark, ship, shirt, shorts, shell, shoe).
  • Help the children identify the beginning and ending sounds of each word by tapping their head for the beginning sound and toes for the ending sound
    • For example, shark = /sh/ (tap head) + /ark/ (tap toes).
  • Point out that all of the words begin with the /sh/ sound and start with the letters sh.
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SEEL At Home



Associate the letters sh with the /sh/ sound as in ship, shore, and sheep.


  • Picture cards 
  • Masking tape
  • Shark graphics

Activity: Ship the Sheep

  • Write the word ship on a piece of paper and point out that the letters sh make the /sh/ sound.
  • Set up a pretend ocean using masking tape and scatter the shark graphics throughout the ocean.
  • Shuffle the picture cards and let your child choose a card one at a time.
  • Help your child decide whether or not the word on each card begins with the /sh/ sound. 
    • If the word begins with the /sh/ sound, let your child pretend to ship the item across the ocean while avoiding sharks.
    • If the word does not begin with the /sh/ sound, discard it.
  • Have your child make the /sh/ sound as he or she ships the items across the ocean. 
  • Repeat as desired.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.