V Vest
Associate the letter V with the /v/ sound as in vest, Victoria, and valentine.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- vest
- valentine
- Victor
- Victoria
- Large picture cards
- Vest graphic
- Small picture cards
- Violet (purple) crayon, pencil, or marker
- Victor Loves Victoria target text
The children will help a boy named Victor buy a Valentine’s Day present that starts with V as they practice saying the /v/ sound in words such as victory, vest, and violet.
Literacy Activities
Valentine for Victoria
- Place the large picture cards around the room.
- Read the Victor Loves Victoria target text with the children.
- Each time a new V item is mentioned in the story, have the children find that item’s picture card.
- Give the children a picture of a vest and have them decorate it for Victoria by attaching the small picture cards to the vest.
- Have the children identify and circle the letter V in the words on the picture cards attached to the vest.
More Practice
Read words with the target letter
- Have the children identify and circle the letter V in the Victor Loves Victoria target text.
- Read the story again, and this time, have the children hold up their fingers in the shape of a letter V every time they hear a word beginning with the /v/ sound.
Write the target letter
- Have the children write the letter V all over the vest using a violet crayon, pencil, or marker.
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SEEL Target Texts
Victor Loves Victoria
For Valentine’s Day, Victor gave Victoria a vacuum.
Victoria likes to vacuum, but not on Valentine’s Day!
So Victor got Victoria a van.
Victoria likes the van, but not for Valentine’s Day!
So Victor got Victoria a volcano.
Victoria thinks the volcano is cool, but not for Valentine’s Day!
So Victor got Victoria a violin.
Victoria likes to play the violin, but not on Valentine’s Day!
So Victor got Victoria a vase of violets.
Victoria likes the vase of violets, but not for Valentine’s Day!
What would Victoria like for Valentine’s Day?
A valentine of course!
So Victor got Victoria a valentine for Valentine’s Day!
Victor loves Victoria.
Victoria likes to vacuum, but not on Valentine’s Day!
So Victor got Victoria a van.
Victoria likes the van, but not for Valentine’s Day!
So Victor got Victoria a volcano.
Victoria thinks the volcano is cool, but not for Valentine’s Day!
So Victor got Victoria a violin.
Victoria likes to play the violin, but not on Valentine’s Day!
So Victor got Victoria a vase of violets.
Victoria likes the vase of violets, but not for Valentine’s Day!
What would Victoria like for Valentine’s Day?
A valentine of course!
So Victor got Victoria a valentine for Valentine’s Day!
Victor loves Victoria.
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SEEL At Home
Associate the letter V with the /v/ sound as in vest, Victoria, and vacuum.
- Violet (purple) crayon, pencil, or marker
- Victor Loves Victoria target text
Activity: Victoria's V Vest
- Read the Victor Loves Victoria target text.
- Help your child identify and circle the letter V at the beginning of the words in the story using a violet (purple) crayon, pencil, or marker.
- Help your child make a list of the valentine gifts from the story that start with the /v/ sound.
- Allow your child to write the letter V at the beginning of the word and then help him or her write the rest of the word.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
V Vest