Yellow Yak's Yard

Yellow Yak's Yard
Target text


Associate the uppercase letter and lowercase letter with the /y/ sound as in yum, yak, and yarn.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • yellow
  • yak
  • yarn


  • Picture cards
  • Yellow yarn
  • Yellow Yak graphic
  • Yellow crayons

The children will help Yellow Yak find things beginning with the letter Y as they practice saying the /y/ sound in words such as yo-yo, yes, and yellow.

Literacy Activities
Help Yellow Yak

  • Show the children the Yellow Yak graphic. 
  • Explain that Yellow Yak loves having things in his yard, but he only says “Yes!” to things beginning with the /y/ sound.
  • Have the children choose one picture card at a time and help them read the word on the card.
    • If the word on the card begins with the /y/ sound, have the children say, “Yes!” and place it by the yellow yak. 
    • If the word begins with a different sound, have them say, “No!” and discard it.

Make a Y with yellow yarn

  • Write the phrase yellow yarn on the board and have a child circle the letter Y at the beginning of each word.
  • Emphasize that the letter Y makes the /y/ sound.
  • Help the children make an uppercase letter Y and a lowercase letter y using long and short pieces of yellow yarn.
  • Help the children glue their yarn onto a piece of paper.

More Practice
Identify the target sound in words

  • Make a list of words that begin with the letter Y (e.g., yak, yes, yolk, yet, yuck, you).
  • Help the children identify the beginning and ending sounds of each word on the list by tapping their head for the beginning sound and toes for the ending sound.  
    • For example: /y/ (tap head) + /ak/ (tap toes) = yak.
  • Point out that all of the words have the /y/ sound at the beginning and start with the letter Y.

Write the target letter

  • Give the children the yak picture and have them write the uppercase letter Y all over the yak with a yellow crayon.
  • Have the children write the lowercase letter y under the yak’s feet to create a yellow yard.
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SEEL At Home



Associate the uppercase letter Y and lowercase letter y with the /y/ sound as in yak, yellow, and yoke.


  • Yak graphic 
  • Picture cards
  • Masking tape
  • Yellow crayon or marker

Activity: Yellow Yak

  • Using masking tape, mark off an area on the floor to be Yellow Yak's yard.
  • Explain that Yellow Yak loves having things in his yard, but he only says “Yes!” to things beginning with the /y/ sound. 
  • Scatter the picture cards on a table with the picture side facing down.
  • Take turns turning over a picture card and help your child read the word on the card. 
    • If the word begins with the /y/ sound, say, "Yes!" and place it in Yak's yard. 
    • If the word does not begin with the /y/ sound, say, "No!" and discard it.
  • Help your child write the uppercase letter Y and lowercase letter y several times on a sheet of paper.
  • Have your child place the Y paper in the yak's yard.
  • Have your child find the letter Y in the word yellow on a crayon or marker. 
  • Allow your child to color the yak graphic yellow.
  • Repeat the activity as desired.

Picture Cards and Yak

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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.