Frog on a Log

Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with -og to make words such as frog, log, jog, and dog.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- dog
- fog
- log
- jog
- frog
- Blue and brown construction paper
- Log graphics
- Frog graphics
- Word Analysis Commands
The children will play a game with frogs and logs and practice blending beginning sounds with the –og ending to make words such as fog, dog, and log.
Literacy Activities
Hop like frogs from log to log
- Make a pond game board by cutting a circle out of the blue construction paper and gluing it on top of brown construction paper.
- Cut out the log graphics and place a word analysis command on the back of each log, then scatter them around the pond.
- Give a frog graphic to each child, and tell the children that they will take turns hopping their frogs onto a long and then everybody will do what is written on the back of the log.
- Play the game until each child has had a turn choosing a log, and then repeat as desired.
More Practice
Blend, segment, and spell sounds
- Have children blend individual sounds into words by tapping their heads (beginning sound), their shoulders (middle sound), and their toes (ending sound), then have them clap to say the whole word.
- For example: /l/ (tap head) + /o/ (tap shoulders) + /g/ (tap toes).
- /d/ /o/ /g/ = dog
- /b/ /o/ /g/ = bog
- /l/ /o/ /g/ = log
Write the target words
- Give each child a whiteboard and have them write words as you say them, changing one or two letters each time to make a new word: log→dog→jog→jug→bug→bog→bag→sag→sat→cat→pat→pot→lot→let→net→nut→not→hot.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Frog on a Log