Dot, Dot, Who Has Got the Dot

Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with –ot to make words such as dot, spot, and got.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- dot
- spot
- got
- not
- Dot and spot graphics
- Letter cards
- Who Got the Dot? target text
- Word blending cards
The children will play a game to find a dot and a spot while they add sounds to the –ot ending to make words such as dot, spot, got, and not.
Literacy Activities
Pass the dot and spot and find the dot and spot
- Explain to the children that they will play a game called Dot, Dot, Who Has Got the Dot? and choose a child to be "it."
- Have the children form a circle and secretly pass a dot around the circle so the child that is "it" can't see it.
- Have the children chant, "Dot, dot, who got the dot?" as they pass the dot.
- Ask them to listen for words that end in -ot.
- When you say, "Stop, dot," have the children close their hands as if they have the dot hidden in their hand, and the child who is "it" will try to guess who really has the dot.
- Have the child who is "it" turn to face the circle and go from child to child asking, "Have you got the dot?"
- If the child doesn't have the dot, that child will say, "No I do not have the dot."
- If the child does have the dot, that child will say, "Yes, I have got the dot" and be "It" for the next round.
- Play a few rounds with the dot then trade the dot for the spot, and change the chant to, “Spot, spot, who has got the spot?”
- Ask the children to tell you the words they heard in the activity that ended in -ot as you write them on a chart or board.
- Challenge the children to think of more words that end in -ot, add them to the list, then read the words aloud with the children, supporting as needed.
More Practice
Read target words in a text
- Read the target text Who Got the Dot? together as a class.
- Read the text again fading support.
- Have the children underline the words that end in –ot.
Identify, blend and manipulate sounds
- Have half of the children tape -ot cards on their shirts and half of the children tape consonant cards on their shirts.
- Let the children walk around the classroom to find their pair and create a word (d + ot + = dot).
- When all the children have found a pair, have each pair explain how they made their word by having the child with the consonant card pronounce their letter and the child with the -ot card pronounce their ending.
- Then have both children say their full word.
- Repeat the activity.
Write the target word
- Display target words on a word wall (e.g., dot, spot, hot, got).
- Refer the children to the word wall and have them write a sentence or two expressing ideas from the lesson activity or target text (e.g., I can spot the dot.).
SEEL Target Texts
Who Got the Dot?
Spot, spot, where is the spot?
Do you have a dot?
No, you do not.
Do you have a spot?
No, you do not.
Dot, dot, where is the dot?
Spot, spot, who has the spot?
You have a spot!
I see the dot!
Now you find the dot and the spot!
SEEL At Home
Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with –ot to make words such as dot, spot, and got.
- Word cards
- Small dot
Activity: What Has Got the Dot?
- Lay the word cards face up on the table.
- Have your child turn and face away from the game while you hide the dot underneath one of the word cards.
- Have your child try to find the dot by choosing one of the word cards, reading the word on the card by saying the individual sounds then blending them together (e.g. cot = c - o - t, cot), and asking, "Has _ot got the dot?"
- Repeat until the dot has been found and then switch roles.
- Switch roles again, this time hiding the spot underneath the word cards.
- Have your child draw spots and dots on a sheet of paper and help him or her write an -ot word from the activity inside each spot or dot. Read the words on the spots and dots together by saying the individual sounds then blending them together (e.g. dot = d - o - t, dot).
- The activity can be repeated several times.
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Dot, Dot, Who Has Got the Dot