Tap and Rap on a Drum

Tap and Rap on a Drum
Target text


Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with -ap to make words such as rap, tap, snap, and flap.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • rap
  • tap
  • snap
  • flap
  • slap


  • Drums or containers to use as drums
  • Drumsticks or pencils
  • Word cards 
  • -ap and consonant letter cards
  • Letter cards
  • Tap, Slap, Flap target text  

The children will tap on drums and clap to make music as they add sounds to the -ap ending to make words such as tap, rap, clap, snap and flap.

Literacy Activities

Tap and rap on a drum

  • Have a child tap and rap on a drum (or use a container as a drum) with a drumstick (or pencil).
  • Let the other children snap and clap to the rhythm of the beat of the drum. 
  • Allow the children to take turns tapping and rapping on the drum or snapping and clapping to make music.
  • Have the children take apart words by tapping on the drum once for each sound in the following words: cap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, tap, zap, snap.

Tap word cards

  • Read the Tap, Slap, Flap target text with the children.
  • Spread out the word cards and read the text again, allowing the children to use the cards to act out the text. 

Blend target words

  • Mix up the word cards, then draw the words one at a time and say the individual sounds of the word. 
  • Have the children guess the word on the card by blending the sounds together.

More Practice

Identify, blend and manipulate sounds

  • Have half of the children tape -ap cards on their shirts and half of the children tape consonant cards (e.g., t).
  • Let the children walk around the classroom to find their pair and create a word (t + -ap = tap). 
  • When all the children have found a pair, have each pair explain how they made their word by having the child with the consonant card pronounce their letter and the child with the -ap pronounce their ending.
  • Then have both children say their full word. 
  • Repeat the activity.

Create new words

  • With letter cards, have the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
    • Change the beginning sound: cap → map; map → rap; rap → tap
    • Change the ending sound: cap → cat; map → man; rap → rat; tap → tan
    • Change the middle sound: cap → cup; map → mop; rap → rip; tap → top
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SEEL Target Texts

Tap, Slap, Flap

Tap the word "map."
Tap the word "lap."
Slap the word "strap."
Slap the word "nap."
Flap the word "zap."
Flap the word "yap."
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
