Flick the Stick

Flick the Stick
Target text


Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with -ick words to make words such as flick, stick, and trick.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • flick
  • stick
  • trick
  • quick


  • Word cards 
  • "Flick a Stick" song,
  • Popsicle sticks in a variety of colors

The children will play a game called Flick the Stick as they add sounds to the -ick ending to make words such as flick, stick, quick, and trick.

Literacy Activities
Play the flick a stick game

  • Make a 3x3 grid with masking tape on a surface where the children can see, and place one word card in each box. 
  • Teach the children the "Flick a Stick" song, to the tune of "Happy and You Know it."
  • After the children know the song relatively well, have the children form a circle. 
  • Have the children pass a stick around while everyone else sings the "Flick a Stick" song.
  • At the end of the song the person with the stick will stand at a designated line and flick the stick onto the -ick grid. 
  • Have the children read the word closest to where the stick landed (support as necessary). 
  • Let the children do a quick trick (e.g., hop on one foot, tap their head and rub their stomach, wink each eye) while those who can, click (snap) their fingers and chant the -ick word five times.

More Practice
Blend, segment, and spell target words

  • Write one letter on each of four sticks (e.g., p, s, t, l) then write the letters -ick on a fifth stick.
  • Have the children slide one stick together with the -ick stick then blend the sounds together to make a word. 
  • Repeat with the other sticks.
  • Say an -ick word then have the children click (snap) or clap as they segment each sound (e.g., /ch/ /i/ /ck/, chick).
  • Repeat with other target words (e.g., click, quick, flick, wick).

Write about the activity using target words

  • Give each child a whiteboard and have them write words from dictation, changing one or two letters each time to make a new word
    • kick → lick → tick → stick → pick → pack → sack → sick → sit → lit → lick → flick → flock. 
  • Emphasize the process of segmenting the sounds in each new word to determine which sound has changed then blending the new sounds to make sure that the correct word is written.
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SEEL Target Texts

Flick the Stick

Sung to the tune of Happy and You Know It: http://kids.niehs.nih.gov/games/songs/childrens/happy-and-you-know-it/index.htm

Flick a stick and try to land on -ick.
Flick a stick and try to land on -ick
If the stick lands on -ick,
Then do a trick real quick!
Flick a stick then do a real quick trick.
Flick a stick and try to land on -ick.
Flick a stick and try to land on -ick
If the stick lands on -ick,
Then do a trick real quick!
Flick a stick then do a real quick trick.
Flick a stick and try to land on -ick.
Flick a stick and try to land on -ick
If the stick lands on -ick,
Then do a trick real quick!
Flick a stick then do a real quick trick.
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SEEL At Home



Change the initial sound in -ick words to make new words.


  • "Flick the Stick" song 
  • Popsicle sticks
  • 3 pieces of paper 

Activity: Flick the Stick

  • Cut three pieces of paper into thirds and write one -ick word (chick, lick, tick, kick, pick, click, stick, sick, quick) on each piece of paper.
  • Place the words on the floor like a 3x3 grid.
  • Take turns flicking the stick onto the grid of -ick words.
  • Help your child read the word closest to where the stick landed then click (snap) your fingers for each sound in the word (e.g., chick = /ch/ + /i/ + /ck/).
  • Together with your child, do a quick trick (e.g., a somersault or hop on one foot).
  • Repeat as many times as desired.
  • Sing the "Flick a Stick" song to the tune of "Happy and You Know It" with all the children then have one child find all of the words in the song that end in -ick.
  • Help your child write a list of -ick words, changing the beginning sound(s) each time to make a new word: kick --> lick --> tick --> stick --> pick --> pack --> sack --> sick --> sit --> lit --> lick --> flick --> flock.flick-a-stick-text
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
