Spin to Win

Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with –in to make words such as bin, win, chin, and spin.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- bin
- fin
- pin
- win
- chin
- shin
- Small craft brad
- Spinner
- Game cards
- Win game pieces
- Whiteboards and markers
- Book: Biscuit Wins a Prize by Alyssa Satin Capucilli (optional)
The children will play a game called Spin to Win! as they add sounds to the –in ending to make new words such as pin, fin, win, and spin.
Literacy Activities
Spin to Win
- Read Biscuit Wins a Prize and use the illustrations to introduce target words (optional)
- Play Spin to Win!
- Give each child a game board and have them identify the –in pictures on their game boards.
- Have the children take turns spinning the spinner.
- Just before a child spins the spinner, everybody chants, “Spin, spin, spin to win!”
- Have the children say the name of the picture the spinner landed on and cover the picture or word on their game board with a “win” game piece.
- When a child has covered five squares in a row, have that child shout, “I win!” and read the winning words out loud.
More Practice
Clap out sounds in words
- Have the children take apart the word win and clap once for each sound in the word (/w/ /i/ /n/).
- Ask the children how many times they clapped for the word bin (three).
- Clap for each sound in the word bin again to reinforce the model.
- Repeat with other –in words (e.g., win, pin, bin, fin).
Blend the target words
- Write the –in words from the game on the whiteboard.
- Have children take turns drawing a vertical line between the beginning sound and the –in word ending (e.g., Draw a line between the letter T and the letter I in tin).
- Erase all of the beginning sounds so just the –in word ending is left and ask the children what is the similar in all of the words.
- Have the children write words from dictation, changing one or two letters each time to make a new word: win, pin, fin, fan, van, man, mat, sat.
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SEEL At Home
Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with –in to make words such as bin, win, chin, and spin.
- Picture cards
Activity: Find -in and Spin
- Put the picture cards in various places around the room.
- When you say, "Find ___in and spin!" have your child find that picture card, then spin around three times.
- Continue until your child has found all of the picture cards.
- Collect the picture cards and read the words on the cards together.
- Have your child put an "X" through the beginning sound on the word on the cards so all that is left is the -in word ending.
- Ask your child what is the same about all of the words on the cards.
- The activity can be repeated several times.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Spin to Win