Turn the Knob and Do the Job

Turn the Knob and Do the Job
Target text


Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with -ob to make words such as rob, mob, sob, and blob.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • rob
  • mob
  • cob
  • sob
  • blob
  • Bob


  • Brad
  • Game wheel graphic
  • Picture cards
  • Word cards
  • Timer

The children will turn a knob to make words with the -ob ending, such as knob, cob, and blob.

Literacy Activities
Turn the knob to do the job

  • Make a game wheel out of two cardstock circles.
    • Print the game wheel graphic on a sheet of cardstock and trace the wheel on another sheet of cardstock to create another circle of the same size. 
    • Cut out the circles and picture cards. 
    • Divide the blank circle into six sections and glue one of the following picture cards on each section: a mob, Bob, a robber (rob), corn on the cob, blob, and a person crying (sob). 
      • Beside each picture, write the letter(s) of the picture’s beginning sound(s). 
    • Attach the circles to each other with a brad through their centers so that the top circle can turn and display one picture at a time. 
  • Play “Turn the knob to do the job.”
    • Set the timer for 30 seconds. 
    • Have the children take turns “turning the knob” by rotating the top circle of the game wheel to “do the job” of making new words. 
    • Help the child turning the knob read the words created as the beginning letter(s) combines with the -ob ending. 
    • Have the other children chant, “Turn the knob!” each time the child turns the knob.
  • When the timer goes off, have the children make a list of all the words formed during the activity.
  • Repeat the activity as desired to give all the children a chance to turn the knob and do the job. 

More Practice

  • Have the children practice spelling the -ob words on the classroom whiteboard.
    • Instruct them to write the initial consonants of each word in one color and the -ob ending in another color. 
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
