Dot to Dot

Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with -ot to make words such as dot, pot, and spot.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- dot
- pot
- spot
- robot
- Dot-to-dot activity sheets
- Dot-to-Dot target text
The children will each do a dot-to-dot as they add sounds to the -ot ending to make words such as dot, pot, spot, and robot.
Literacy Activities
Make a dot-to-dot
- Demonstrate how to do a dot-to-dot.
- Give the children a dot-to-dot activity sheet and have them guess whether they will make a pot, a robot, or a dog named spot.
- Let the children complete the dot-to-dot.
More Practice
Read target words in a text
- Read theDot-to-Dot target text together as a class.
- Read the text again fading support.
- Have the children make a dot the words that end in -ot.
- Circle the beginning sound, middle sound, and ending sound of the -ot words.
- Say each sound separately then blend the sounds together to say the word.
Write about the activity using target words
- Have the children write words from dictation: pot, dot, spot, robot, rot, lot, hot, not, got.
- Emphasize the process of blending the beginning sound(s) with the -ot ending to spell each word.
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SEEL Target Texts
See all the dots? Lots of dots!
Got a pencil?
Go from dot to dot.
Spot dot 1.
Go from dot 1 to dot 2.
Go from dot 2 to dot 3.
Go from dot 3 to dot 4.
What did the dots make?
Did you make a dot-to-dot pot?
Did you make a dot-to-dot robot?
Did you make a dot-to-dot dog named Spot?
What did your dot-to-dot dots make?
Got a pencil?
Go from dot to dot.
Spot dot 1.
Go from dot 1 to dot 2.
Go from dot 2 to dot 3.
Go from dot 3 to dot 4.
What did the dots make?
Did you make a dot-to-dot pot?
Did you make a dot-to-dot robot?
Did you make a dot-to-dot dog named Spot?
What did your dot-to-dot dots make?
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SEEL At Home
Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with -ot to make words such as dot, pot, and spot.
- Dot-to-dot activity sheet
Activity: Dot to Dot
- Help your child complete a dot-to-dot activity sheet.
- Have your child think of words that end with -ot by blending different sounds with the -ot ending.
- Have him or her write the words next to the dot-to-dot picture.
- Read the words on the picture together, and ask your child what sounds they hear in each -ot word (e.g. pot = p-o-t).
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Dot to Dot