Vowel Brothers' Racetrack

Spell and read CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words with the short sounds of a, e, and i.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- cat
- cab
- hen
- wet
- pig
- pin
- Racetrack game board*
- Picture and word cards*
- Paper die cutout (on cardstock)*
- Game marker (e.g., penny, bean)
- Small whiteboards
- Dry erase markers
* items included below
The children will play a racing board game as they practice reading and spelling words with the short vowel sounds of a, e, and i.
Literacy Activities
- Prepare the game
- Cut out the picture and word cards (see below) on the solid lines and fold on the dashed lines to create double-sided cards with a word and picture.
- Place the racetrack game board (see below) on a table for all the children to see.
- Sort the cards into three picture-up piles, one for each short vowel: a, e, and i.
- Have a child roll the assembled paper die (see below) and move the game marker (e.g., bean, penny) the number of spaces indicated on the die.
- If the marker lands on a vowel, have the child pick a card from the pile with that vowel, identify and spell the name of the picture, then read the word.
- If the marker lands on a vowel brother, have the child say the short sounds of the five vowels (/a/ as in cat, /e/ as in pet, /i/ as in fit, /o/ as in hot, and /u/ as in nut).
- Invite the children to write each word on their whiteboards and underline the vowel.
- Give support as needed by helping the children stretch out the word and identify the beginning, middle, and ending sounds.
- Have the children take turns until one child has reached the end of the racetrack.
More Practice
- Have the children take turns drawing two or three of the cards and creating sentences using the words from the cards.
- Have them draw pictures to illustrate what happens in the sentence.
- Mix up the cards and repeat until the children have written and illustrated 2-3 sentences.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Vowel Brothers' Racetrack