Bug on a Cup

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- bug
- cup
- mug
- run
- jug
- yuck
- shut
- Mug or cup
- Word-building cards*
- Picture cards*
- Bug in a Mug target text*
*Items included below.
State the Objective
Tell the children that they will find bugs and that they will read and write short-u words, such as bug, cup, mug, run, jug, yuck, and shut.
Literacy Activities
Introduce target words
- Show the children the short-u target words.
- Read the words with the children.
Catch a bug
- Let the children write a short-u target word (e.g., bug, cup, mug, run, jug, yuck, shut) on a picture of a bug (see below).
- Hide the bugs around the room and place a mug or cup at the front of the room.
- Have the children take turns finding a bug and reading the word written on the picture.
- Have the child place the bug picture inside the mug or cup.
Fill in missing words
- Have the children read the Bug in a Mug target text (see below).
- Let the children write short sentences using target words.
- There was a bug in your ____ (mug).
- The ____ (bug) got out of a jug.
- I saw the bug ____ (run) up to the top of your cup.
- ____ (Yuck)! A bug is in your ____ (cup).
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
- With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing a consonant or the vowel.
- Change the beginning consonant(s): hug→ mug; shut→ but; run→ sun
- Change the vowel: bug→ big; cup→ cap; pug→ pig
- Change the ending consonant: cup→ cut; bug→ but; ran→ rat
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SEEL Target Texts
Bug in a Mug
I think there’s a bug in your mug!
It got out of a jug.
I saw it run up to the top of your cup.
And then, plop!
It fell into your cup.
Yuck, a bug in your cup!
Did you drink it up?
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Bug on a Cup