let frogs hop a lot

Let Frogs Hop a Lot

Let Frogs Hop a Lot
Target text


Read a text that highlights short vowel words.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • hop
  • lot
  • let
  • ten
  • tell
  • frog
  • stop


  • Signs*
  • Frogs Hop a Lot target text*

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will hop a lot and will read a text with short vowel words, such as frog, hop, lot, ten, let, and stop.

Literacy Activities 
Hop frog!

  • Have the children hop over each other like in the game leapfrog.
  • Have them ask each other, “Will you let me hop over?” 

Hop a lot

  • Put signs with instructions around the room: hop, hop a lot, hop back, hop on a dot, take a big hop, take ten hops, hop up, and stop!
  • Have the children hop in a line and follow the instructions they find. 

Tell a frog to stop

  • Engage the children in reading the text Frogs Hop a Lot (found below).
  • Pretend to have a frog hopping on your head. 
  • Have the children tell the frog to “stop” and “hop, hop, hop away.”
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SEEL Target Texts

Frogs Hop a Lot

Frogs got into my house.
And frogs hop a lot.
Frogs like to hop.
Frogs like to hop and hop.
Do I let the frogs hop on my bed?
Do I let the frogs hop in a pot?
Do I let the frogs hop on my cat?
Do I let the frogs hop on me?
Do I let a frog hop on you?
Will you let a frog hop on top of you?
Will you let a frog hop on your bed?
Will you let a frog hop on top of your head?
Will you let a frog hop on me?
The frogs will not stop till we yell, “STOP!”
Tell the frogs to hop, hop, hop away.
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