lets sit a bit

Lets Sit a Bit

Lets Sit a Bit
Target text


Read texts with short-vowel words.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • sit
  • dog
  • cat
  • bit
  • fit
  • rat


  • A small table, box to be a table, or paper to be a placemat 
  • Picture cards*
  • Word cards*
  • Come In and Sit a Bit target text*
  • Can a Ram, Pig, Rat, Dog and Cat Fit? target text*

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will invite dogs and cats to sit and have a snack and that they will read words with short vowels such as dog, cat, can, sit, and fit.

Literacy Activities
Invite cats and dogs in to sit a bit 

  • Lay out a box, cloth, or placemat to be a table.
  • Use word cards (see below) or have the children write dog and cat on slips of paper to be name cards.
  • Set out the name cards for dogs and cats to sit around the table.
  • Read the text Come In and Sit a Bit (see below) and invite cats and dogs to sit around the table.


  • Let children wear dog and cat name tags and invite them to sit around a table.
  • See if the dogs and cats fit around the table.
  • Offer the cats and dogs a snack.

Invite animals to sit and fit around a table

  • Read the target text Can a Ram, Pig, Rat, Dog and Cat Fit? (see below).
  • Have the children write names of animals: dog, cat, rat, pig, hen, chick, ram, bat.
  • Tell the animals to sit a bit and see if the animals fit.
  • Let the animals get a snack.
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SEEL Target Texts

Come In and Sit a Bit

Ding Dong! A dog! A dog is here.
Come in, dog.
Come in and sit a bit.
Ding dong! A cat! Come in!
Cat, come in, cat, and sit a bit.
A dog! Come in, dog, and sit a bit.
A cat! Come in!
Come in and sit a bit.
Come in and sit.
Do the dogs and cats fit?  
Let them sit and have a snack.

Can a Ram, Pig, Rat, Dog, and Cat Fit?

Ding Dong!  
A ram! Come in, ram.
Come in and sit a bit.
Ding dong!
A rat! Come in, rat!
Come in, rat, and sit a bit.
Can a rat fit in?
Yes, a rat can fit.
A ram! Come in, ram.
Can a ram fit in?  
Can a ram sit a bit?
A ram can fit and sit a bit.
A pig! Come in!
Pig, come in.   
Come in and sit a bit.
Come in and sit.
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