The Ram Eats Ham and Jam

Read and write words that end with am.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- ram
- ham
- jam
- bam
- clam
- wham
- Small plastic bag
- Picture of a ram*
- Picture cards*
- Word cards*
- Word-building cards*
- Feed the Ram song*
- We Fed My Ram Some Ham target text*
*Items included below.
State the Objective
Tell the children that they will feed a ram and that they will read and write words that end with am, such as ram, ham, jam, bam, clam, and wham.
Literacy Activities
Introduce target words
- Show the children the target words.
- Read the words with the children.
Feed the ram -am words
- Read the We Fed My Ram Some Ham target text (see below) with the children.
- Attach a plastic bag behind the mouth of the ram picture (see below).
- Sing the Feed the Ram song (see below) to the tune of “There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly,” and let the children take turns putting the -am picture cards (see below) in the ram’s mouth.
Play a “Bam!” game
- Have the children sit in a circle.
- Place the -am word cards (see below) in the middle of the circle, face down.
- Turn over the cards one at a time and have the children read the cards aloud as you flip them.
- When one of the “bam” cards is turned over, have the children slap their hand on the ground and say, “Bam!”
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
- With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing a consonant or the vowel.
- Change the beginning consonant: ram→ jam, bam→ yam, ham→ clam
- Change the vowel: ham→ him, him→ hum, ram→ rim
- Change the ending consonant: ram→ ran, clam→ clap, scram→ scrap
Write about the activity using target words and patterns
- Let the children write short sentences using target words.
- A boy sheep is called a ____ (ram).
- We fed the ram ____ (a yam, a clam, ham, jam).
- We turned over a card and said ____ (bam).
- There is a big ____ (ram) who likes to eat ____ (ham, jam).
SEEL Target Texts
Feed the Ram Song
This is a big ram who likes to eat ham.
I don’t know why he likes to eat ham.
Feed the ram ham.
This is a big ram who likes to eat a yam.
I don’t know why he likes to eat a yam.
Feed the ram a yam.
This is a big ram who likes to eat a clam.
I don’t know why he likes to eat a clam.
Feed the ram a clam.
This is a big ram who likes to eat jam.
I don’t know why he likes to eat jam.
Feed the ram jam.
We Fed My Ram Some Ham
We fed my ram.
We fed my ram toast and jam.
We fed my ram ham.
We fed my ram yam.
My ram ate toast and jam, a slice of ham, and buttered yam.
I didn’t think a ram would eat ham.
I didn’t think a ram would eat jam.
I didn’t think a ram would eat a yam.
But he did!
He is a silly ram.
The Ram Eats Ham and Jam