Eggs and Ham

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- am
- ham
- jam
- ram
- yam
- Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss (optional)
- Name tags (see below)
- Eggs and Ham song (see below) – one per child
- Eggs and Ham song with –am missing from words –one verse per child
State and model the objective
Tell the children that today they will sing a song about Sam I Am as they read and write words ending in –am.
Practice the skill within an activity
Eggs and Ham
- Teach the children the Eggs and Ham song.
- Choose 5 children to wear the nametags (Sam, Eggs and Ham, Ram, Jam, and Yam) (see below).
- Have the other children hold hands in a large circle with Sam and Eggs and Ham in the middle. The children forming the circle will move clockwise while singing the first verse of the song. The children in the middle of the circle can skip around.
- In verse 2, Ram will join the inner circle. In verse 3, Jam will join. In verse 4, Yam will join.
- Repeat until each child has had a turn to wear a nametag and be in the middle of the circle.
Apply the skill
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
- With word blending cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing either of the consonants or the vowel:
- ham → jam; ram → yam; Sam → ham
- yam → yum; ham → him; Sam → sum
- jam → jar; ram → rat; Sam → sat
Read target words in texts
- Give each child a copy of the Eggs and Ham song (see target text below), and read the text together as a class.
- Have the children identify and underline the words in the song that end with –am.
Write about the activity using target words/patterns
- Give each child a verse of the Eggs and Ham song with missing –am words (see below).
- Have the children work to fill in the missing –am words in the Eggs and Ham song (support as needed).
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SEEL Target Texts
Eggs and Ham
Verse 1
Hi, my name is Sam I am,
Sam I am, Sam I am.
Hi, my name is Sam I am.
I eat eggs and ham.
Hi, my name is Sam I am,
Sam I am, Sam I am.
Hi, my name is Sam I am.
I eat eggs and ham.
Verse 2
Sam will eat them with a ram,
with a ram, with a ram.
Sam will eat them with a ram;
He’ll eat eggs and ham.
Sam will eat them with a ram,
with a ram, with a ram.
Sam will eat them with a ram;
He’ll eat eggs and ham.
Verse 3
Sam will eat them with some jam,
with some jam, with some jam.
Sam will eat them with some jam;
He’ll eat eggs and ham.
Sam will eat them with some jam,
with some jam, with some jam.
Sam will eat them with some jam;
He’ll eat eggs and ham.
Verse 4
Sam will eat them with a yam,
with a yam, with a yam.
Sam will eat them with a yam;
He’ll eat eggs and ham.
Sam will eat them with a yam,
with a yam, with a yam.
Sam will eat them with a yam;
He’ll eat eggs and ham.
Verse 5
Sam will eat them with a ram,
with some jam, with a yam.
Sam will eat those eggs and ham,
because he’s Sam I am!
Sam will eat them with a ram,
with some jam, with a yam.
Sam will eat those eggs and ham,
because he’s Sam I am!
(Sung to the tune of Mary had a Little Lamb)
Eggs and Ham (with missing letters)
Hi, my name is S___ I am,
S___ I am, S___ I am.
Hi, my name is S___ I am.
I eat eggs and h___.
S___ I am, S___ I am.
Hi, my name is S___ I am.
I eat eggs and h___.
S___ will eat them with a r___,
with a r___, with a r___.
S___ will eat them with a r___,
He’ll eat eggs and h___.
with a r___, with a r___.
S___ will eat them with a r___,
He’ll eat eggs and h___.
S___ will eat them with some j___,
with some j___, with some j___.
S___ will eat them with some j___,
He’ll eat eggs and h___.
with some j___, with some j___.
S___ will eat them with some j___,
He’ll eat eggs and h___.
S___ will eat them with a y___,
with a y___, with a y___.
S___ will eat them with a y___,
He’ll eat eggs and h___.
with a y___, with a y___.
S___ will eat them with a y___,
He’ll eat eggs and h___.
S___ will eat them with a r___,
with some j___, with a y___.
S___ will eat those eggs and h___
with some j___, with a y___.
S___ will eat those eggs and h___
Because he’s S___ I am.
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SEEL At Home
Read and write -am words (e.g., ham, yam, ram).
- Eggs and Ham song with missing -am endings (see below)
- Picture/word cards (see below)
Activity: Eggs and Ham
- Help your child fill in the -am word ending on the picture/word cards.
- Have your child teach you the Eggs and Ham song.
- Sing the song together and slam the correct picture/word card down as you sing about it.
- Help your child make a list of all the -am words he or she heard throughout the activity and read the list together several times.
- The activity can be repeated several times.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Eggs and Ham