get the pet wet

Get the Pet Wet

Get the Pet Wet
Target text


Read and write words that end with et.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • get
  • pet
  • wet
  • net
  • let
  • bet
  • set


  • Nets (e.g., the netting used to package onions)
  • Container of water
  • Pictures of pets*
  • Letter cards*
  • Word-building cards*
  • We Let a Pet Get Wet target text*
  • Get a Pet in a Net target text*
  • Which Pet Likes to Get Wet? target text*
  • Small plastic pet fish or other toy pets (optional)
  • Plastic sandwich bags (optional)

*Items included below.

State the Objective

Tell the children that they will get a pet in a net, get the pet wet, and read and write words that end in et, such as wet, pet, net, get, let, bet, and set.

Literacy Activities

Introduce target words

  • Read the target words with the children: get, pet, wet, net, let, bet, and set.
  • Read the We Let a Pet Get Wet target text (see below) with the children.

Play "Get a pet in a net"

  • Read the Get a Pet in a Net target text (see below) with the children.
  • Explain that a pet is an animal you take care of, such as a dog, cat, or fish.
  • Let the children get a pet and a net.
  • Have the children toss and catch pets in their nets.
  • Let the children sprinkle the pet in the net with water to get the pet wet.

Let a pet get wet or get a pet in a net

  • State that pet cats and some dogs do not like to get wet, but that pet fish need to get wet.
  • Read the Which Pet Likes to Get Wet? target text (see below).
  • Set up a container of water.
  • Place the pet pictures in a plastic bag (optional). 
    • If a child's pet is a fish, let the pet get wet by tossing the fish into the water.
    • If a child's pet is a cat or dog that does not like to get wet, let them catch the pet in the net so that it does not get wet.

Make -et words

  • Put the letter cards (see below) in a net and the -et endings on a table.
  • Let the children pick a letter from the net and put it with the -et ending.
  • Have the children blend the word parts to make a word.

Write and trade words and get them wet

  • Have the children write -et words from dictation (e.g., pet, wet, get, bet, let, net).
  • Have the children ask to trade the -et words (e.g., “Can I get the word pet?" "I will let you get the word get”).
  • Let the children get the words wet by sprinkling them with water.

Identify, blend and manipulate sounds

With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing a consonant or the vowel.

  • Change the beginning consonant: wet→ pet; get→ set; net→ bet
  • Change the vowel: get→ got; set→ sat; let→ lit; net→ nut; pet→ pot
  • Change the ending consonant: let→ led; pet→ peg; bet→ bed
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SEEL Target Texts

We Let a Pet Get Wet

We got a pet. We got a net. 
We got the pet in the net.
Then we got the pet wet.
We did not get a real pet wet.
We got a paper pet wet.

Get a Pet in a Net

Get set!
Get a net. Get a pet.

Let’s get a pet in the net.
I bet you can get a pet in the net!

Did you get a pet in the net?
Did you get a pet in the net yet?
Get the pet wet.

I bet you can get the pet wet.
Get the pet in the net wet.
Did you get the pet in the net wet?

The pet in the net got wet!

Which Pet Likes to Get Wet?

Cats do not like to get wet.
Most dogs do not like to get wet.
But some dogs do like to get wet.

Birds like to get wet.
Birds like to get a little wet.

Fish like to get wet. 
Fish like to get very wet. 
Fish need to get wet.

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SEEL At Home



  • Read and write words that end with -et.


  • Get the Pet Wet text and pet pictures
  • A net (this can be a towel, plastic bag, onion bag, etc.)
  • Large bowl of water 
  • Plastic sandwich bags (optional)

Activity: Get a Pet Wet

  • Read the target text Get the Pet Wet (found below) with your child, find the -et words, and make a list of the words that end with -et.
  • Place each pet picture inside of a plastic bag to protect it from getting wet (optional). 
  • Hold the net over the water and have your child toss the pet pictures into the net. 
  • Tell your child to try not to get their pet wet. 
  • Each time a pet lands in the net, have your child say, "The pet is in the net." 
  • If the pet lands in the water, say, "The pet got wet!"


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.