Zip and Clip

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- zip
- rip
- clip
- snip
- grip
- Clips (paper clip, binder clip, chip bag clip, or clothes pins)
- Zippers
- Zipper images*
- Word-building cards*
- Zip and Rip a Paper Zipper target text*
- Zip a Zipper Up and Down target text*
- Some Zippers Can Zip target text*
*Items included below.
State the Objective
Tell the children that they will zip and clip and that they will read and write words ending in ip such as zip, clip, snip, rip, flip, skip, and trip.
Literacy Activities
Introduce target words
- Show the children the target words zip, rip, clip, snip, and grip.
- Read the words with the children.
Zip, snip, clip, rip, and fix paper zippers
- Read the Zip and Rip a Paper Zipper target text (see below) with the children.
- Pass out the paper zippers and ask the children if the paper zippers can zip.
- Have the children write zip on each zipper image (see below).
- Let the children snip, clip, or rip the paper zipper to zip it down (or to unzip the zipper).
- Ask the children to “zip up” the zipper that they just snipped or ripped using tape or have the children grip a clip and use it to clip the paper zipper together.
Zip a real zipper up and down
- Read the Zip a Zipper Up and Down and Some Zippers Can Zip target texts (see below) with the children.
- Have the children grip a real zipper and zip it up and down.
- Write zip and unzip on the board or on a large piece of paper.
- Point to zip to have children zip the zipper up or to unzip to have them zip the zipper down.
Identify, blend and manipulate sounds, and write target words
- With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing a consonant or the vowel.
- Change the beginning consonant: clip → snip, zip → rip, lip → slip, dip → hip
- Change the vowel: rip → rap, flip → flop, nip → nap
- Change the ending consonant: dip → did, sip → sit, rip → rib
- Let the children write words from dictation, changing one or two letters each time to make a new word
- zip → sip → rip → dip → snip → snap → nap → lap → lab → lad
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SEEL Target Texts
Zip and Rip a Paper Zipper
Here’s how to zip a paper zipper.
Grip the zipper.
Rip or snip the zipper to zip it down.
Grip the zipper.
Rip or snip the zipper to zip it down.
Rip the zipper where the zipper zips.
Did the zipper rip where the zipper zips?
Did the zipper rip where the zipper zips?
Use a clip to keep the zipper zipped.
Is it zipped?
You can’t really zip a paper zipper with a rip.
Is it zipped?
You can’t really zip a paper zipper with a rip.
Zip a Zipper Up and Down
Zip a zipper up.
Zip a zipper down.
Zip a zipper down.
Rip or snip a paper zipper to zip it down.
Put a clip on the zipper to keep it up.
You can’t really zip up a zipper with a rip.
Put a clip on the zipper to keep it up.
You can’t really zip up a zipper with a rip.
Some Zippers Can Zip
Some zippers can zip.
Some zippers can’t zip.
Most zippers can zip up and zip down.
Some zippers are broken.
Broken zippers don’t zip up and don’t zip down.
Some zippers can’t zip.
Most zippers can zip up and zip down.
Some zippers are broken.
Broken zippers don’t zip up and don’t zip down.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Zip and Clip