Hush! Hear the Bee Buzz

Hush! Hear the Bee Buzz
Target text


Children will recognize and read words with the short-u sound.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • Hum
  • Bug
  • Run
  • Hush
  • Rush
  • Buzz


  • Bees, buds, and shrub pictures*
  • Hush! Hear the Bee Buzz target text*  

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective

Tell the children they will be reading about bees and reading words with the short-u sound, such as hum, buzz, hush, run, bug, and bud.

Literacy Activities

Read Hush! Hear the Bees Buzz target text

  • Read Hush! Hear the Bees Buzz (see below) together and fade support.
  • Have the children find the words with the short-u sound.
  • Stretch out sounds in short-u words (e.g., “The short u is in h-u-u-u-u-u-sh and hu-u-u-u-um and bu-u-u-u-zz.) Have the children imitate you.

Recognize words that have the short-u sound

  • Using the bees, buds, and shrub pictures (see below), have the children place buds on the shrub and say the words.
  • Have the children fly a bee over the words, make a buzzing sound, and read the words.
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SEEL Target Texts

Hush! Hear the Bee Buzz


Can you hear short u in hush?
Can you hear short u in hum and buzz?
The short u is in hush and hum and buzz.
Can you hear short u in fuzz?
A bee is a bug with fuzz.
And fu-u-u-u-zz has the short u/uh/, /uh/.
Can you hear short u in buzz?
A bee is a bug that goes buzz.
A bee buzzes and lands on a bud on a shrub.
Many buzzing bees make a hum.
When many bees buzz, the shrub seems to hum.
Will you run and rush away?
Or will you duck down when you hear a buzz or see the bug’s fuzz?
Short u is in hu-u-u-sh, hu-u-u-u-m, and bu-u-u-u-zz
Short u is in bu-u-u-u-g, fu-u-u-u-zz, and ru-u-u-u-n.
Short u is in bu-u-u-u-d, shru-u-u-u-b, and ru-u-u-u-sh.
Hush! Can you hear a bee buzz?


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.