fuzz in my mug

Fuzz in My Mug

Fuzz in My Mug
Target text


Read and write words with a short u.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • cup
  • mug
  • jug
  • dump 
  • yuck
  • lunch
  • bunch


  • Containers, such as jugs, cups, or mugs
  • Brown Fabric
  • Fuzz from pulling apart fabric, a cotton ball, or craft pom pom (optional)
  • Lint or dryer fuzz (optional)
  • Cloths or sponge
  • Yuck! Stuff in My Cup! text*
  • A Bunch of Stuff in My Lunch text*
  • Bug Picture*
  • Word-building cards* 

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will dump bugs out of cups and mugs and read and write words with a short u sound, such as mug, cup, jug, and dump

Literacy Activities
Dump a bug out of a cup, jug, or mug

  • Engage the children in reading the Yuck! Stuff in My Cup! text (see below). 
  • Allow the children to take turns dumping bugs, mud, and fuzz out of different containers. 
  • Have them say, “Yuck! There’s ___ in the ___!”

Scrub the cup

  • Let the children scrub the mug, jug, or cup while repeating ‘scrub the mug’, ‘scrub the cup’, and ‘scrub the jug'.

Stuff in my lunch

  • Engage the children in reading the A Bunch of Stuff in My Lunch text. 
  • Read again, fading supports.

Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds

  • With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
    • bugmugjug, lunchbunch, bugbig, cupcut
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SEEL Target Texts

A Bunch of Stuff in My Lunch

I do not want a bug in my lunch!
I do not want a bunch of bugs in my lunch.
I do not want fuzz in my lunch.
I do not want a bunch of fuzz in my lunch.
I do not want mud in my lunch.
I do not want a bunch of mud in my lunch.
Don’t fuss.
Here is a bunch of lunch with no yucky stuff.

Yuck! Stuff in My Cup!

What is this stuff in my mug, cup, and jug?
Yuck, I got a lump of mud in my mug.
Yuck, I got a bunch of fuzz in my jug.
Yuck, I got a bug in my cup.
What luck!
Don’t fuss.
Just dump out the stuff.
Dump out the bug.
Dump out the mud.
Dump out the fuzz.
Dump out the junk.
Just give the mug, cup, and jug a scrub.  
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