tug a rug

Tug a Rug
Target text


Read and write words that end in ug.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • tug
  • bug
  • jug
  • mug
  • rug
  • slug


  • String
  • Rug or rug image*
  • Picture cards*
  • Word-building cards*
  • Tug! Tug! target text*

*Items included below.

State the Objective

Tell the children that they will tug objects across a rug while they read and write words that end in ug, such as jug, mug, and slug. 

Literacy Activities

Introduce target words

Read the target words with the children: tug, bug, jug, mug, rug.

Tug across the rug

  • Read the Tug! Tug! target text (see below) with the children.
  • Attach a string to each of the picture cards (see below).
  • Have the children label the picture cards and write -ug words on the rug.
  • Let the children pretend to be bugs tugging the different picture cards across a rug (see below).
  • Have the children participate in a chant using -ug words.
(Name of child) is a bug. 
(S)he can tug. 
(S)he can tug a *bug.
Tug a *bug.  Tug a *bug. 
Tug, tug, tug a *bug!
(Name of child) can tug a *bug!                                
*Replace with the –ug picture or word card chosen by the child

Identify, blend and manipulate sounds, and write target words

  • With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing a consonant or the vowel.
    • Change the beginning consonant: tug → bug, bug → rug, rug → dug, dug→ slug
    • Change the vowel:  bug → big, bug → bag , rug → rag, dug → dog
    • Change the ending consonant: bug→ bud; tug → tub; mug→ mud
  • Let the children write words from dictation, changing one or two letters each time to make a new word
    • mug→  bug→ bud→ bid → big→  dig → dug → dog → fog 

Write sentences using target words and phrases

Tell the children to write short sentences about what they tugged across the rug.

  • A bug can ___ (tug) a mug.
  • The ___ (slug) is on the rug.
  • I love to tug jugs across the ___ (rug).
  • We can tug a ___ (pug) on the rug.
Read More

SEEL Target Texts

Tug! Tug!

Tug! Tug!
Tug a rug!
A bug can tug a rug.

Tug! Tug!
Tug a mug!
Tug a mug with a bug.

Tug! Tug!
Tug a jug!
Tug a jug with a bug.

Tug! Tug!
Tug a slug!
Tug a slug with a bug.

Tug! Tug! 
Tug a pug!
Tug a pug with a bug.

Read More



SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
