A Cup for a Pup

Read and write words that end with up.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- up
- pup
- cup
- yup
- Cups
- Picture cards*
- Word-building cards*
- Up, Pup! target text*
*Items included below.
State the Objective
Tell the children that they will pretend to be pups and that they will read and write words that end with up, such as pup, cup, and yup.
Literacy Activities
Introduce target words
- Display -up target words.
- Read the words with the children.
Pretend to be a pup
- Read the Up, Pup! target text (see below) with the children.
- Choose four children to pretend to be puppies and give them each a picture of a pup (see below).
- Read the text again and have the children act it out.
- Have the children write -up words from dictation (e.g., up, pup, cup, yup).
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
- With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing a consonant or the vowel.
- Change the beginning consonant: cup→ pup
- Change the vowel: cup→ cap; pup→ pop; cup→ cop
- Change the ending consonant: cup→ cut; pup→ put
Write about the activity using target words and phrases
- Let the children write short sentences using target words.
- My ___ (pup) can do tricks.
- My pup can jump ____ (up).
- My pup can jump up for a ____ (cup).
- My pup says “____!” (yup).
SEEL Target Texts
Up, Pup!
Teacher: My pup can do tricks. My pup can sit up.
Children: Up, pup! Sit up, pup!
Teacher: My pup can jump up.
Children: Up, pup! Jump up, pup!
Teacher: My pup can stand up.
Children: Up, pup! Stand up, pup!
Teacher: My pup can jump up for a cup.
Children: Up, pup! Jump up for a cup, pup!
Teacher: My pup can say, “Yup!”
Children: Up, pup! Say, “Yup,” pup!
Pup: Yup! Yup!
Everyone: Good pup!

A Cup for a Pup