-op Sound: Classroom Activities

Hop with Popcorn Kernels

The children will hop to a popcorn shop and read and write words that end in -op, such as pop, stop, hop, and top.

Grade Level: Kindergarten Activity Length: 20 Minutes
Included Materials
  1. Set up shop signs around the room and the Popcorn Shop with a popper.
  2. Help the children read the target text "Hop to a popcorn shop" and explain to children to "Hop to a popcorn shop" to find popcorn.
  3. Give each child a popcorn box or cone with popcorn kernels.
  4. Encourage children to chant, "Hop, hop, hop to a popcorn shop!" while hopping.
  5. Remind them to cover their popcorn containers to keep the kernels in.
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