Give a Bug a Hug

Give a Bug a Hug

Give a Bug a Hug
Target text


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with bug. 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • hug
  • bug
  • rug
  • lug
  • snug


  • Toy bugs or bug images*
  • Rug or rug image*
  • Meet My Bug target text*
  • Book: Hug a Bug by Eileen Spinelli (optional)

*Items included below.

State the Objective

Tell the children that they will find bugs and give them hugs as they hear and say words that rhyme with bug, such as hug, rug, snug, and lug. 

Literacy Activities

Hug a bug

  • Read Hug a Bug by Eileen Spinelli (optional).
  • Scatter toy bugs or bug images (see below) around the room.
  • Have the children search around the room to find the bugs.
  • Chant, "Bug, bug, bug. Where are you, bug?" together as the children look for bugs.
  • Have the children say, "I found a bug! Bug hug!" as they find the lost bugs and then give the bugs a big hug.
  • Let the children lug the bugs to the rug (see below) and get snug.
  • Ask the children which words they heard in the activity that rhyme with bug.

Read target words/patterns to the children

  • Read the Meet My Bug target text (see below) to the children, pointing to each word in left to right sequence.
  • Read the text again and have the children point to each word in sequence.

Practice rhyming

  • Remind the children of the words they played with (hug, bug, rug, lug).
  • Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with bug.
  • If a child doesn't respond in a few seconds, offer an option:  
    • "How about rug?" “Does hug rhyme with rug?” (Nod your head yes).
    • "Do lug and bug rhyme?" (Nod your head yes).

Practice blending and segmenting sounds in words

Have the children march and say the beginning and ending sound of the word bug

  • Segment sounds: say /b/ (march right), say /u/ (march left), say /g/ (march right)
  • Blend sounds: jump with both feet and say bug to blend the sounds into a word
  • Repeat with other words that rhyme with bug (e.g.  rug, lug, hug).
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SEEL Target Texts

Meet My Bug

Do you want to meet my bug?
If you do, say, “Hi, bug!”
This is my bug.
Do you want to give my bug a hug?
If you do, say, “Hug bug!”
Hug my bug.
Do you want to make my bug snug?
If you do, say, “Snug bug!”
Do you want to make my bug snug in the mug? No!
Do you want to make my bug snug in the jug? No!
Do you want to make my bug snug on the rug? Yes!
Put my bug on the rug.
Let my bug get snug. 
Now give my bug on the rug a hug.
What a cute little snug bug! 
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SEEL At Home


Recognize words that rhyme with bug (e.g., "Do hug and bug rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with bug."). 


  • Bug graphics (see below) 
  • Small rug, blanket, towel, or rug graphic (see below)

Activity: Hug a Bug

  • Before the activity, hide the cut-out bug graphics around a room or an area, then place the rug or rug graphic (see below), on the ground.
  • Invite your child to listen for words that rhyme with bug as you hunt for lost bugs that need a hug.
  • Have your child look for the lost bugs, shout, “Hug a bug!” whenever he or she finds one, and then give the bug a hug.
  • Have your child put each bug on the rug so it is snug.
  • When all the bugs are found, let your child hide the bugs, and you find them.
  • Repeat the game as many times as desired.
  • Ask your child what words rhyme with bug as you write them on the rug graphic (see below), then have your child echo the words back as you read them.

Rug and Bug Graphics

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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.