Big Beach Bag

Recognize and produce the /b/ sound in a series of words that begin with /b/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- bag
- big
- box
- ball
- beach
- ball
- banana
- Big bag
- Object/s that begin with /b/ (e.g., book, bubbles, bracelet, beads, button, bottle, bowl, balloon, bell, ball, bucket, basket, backpack, bag, bow, box, banana)
- Cloth to be a beach blanket
- Toy binoculars made from two toilet paper rolls taped together (optional)
- Bs
- Pictures of things: ball, balloon, bug, book, button, bubbles, baseball bat, blocks, bell, bucket, beaded bracelet*
- Pictures of foods: bread, bun, bacon, burger, broccoli, baked beans, banana* (optional)
- Book: Not the Piano, Mrs. Medley by Evan Levine (1995) (optional)
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will bring a big beach bag and a beach ball to the beach and will listen for words that start with the /b/ sound, such as big, bag, ball, and beach.
Literacy Activities
Pack a bag to take to the beach
- Read Not the Piano, Mrs. Medley, a story about a lady who packs everything to take to the beach (optional)
- Put things or pictures of things that begin with /b/ in a big bag (e.g., Bs, banana, bun, ball, blocks, bell, baseball bat, bracelet, button, book, beads).
- Use gestures to represent other items to put in the bag (e.g., sweep to stand for a broom, pretend to put on boot, make a brushing gesture, open an imaginary box, look through curled fingers to be binoculars)
- Comment on the beach bag being big and bulky.
Take a bus or bike to the beach
- Tell the children that they will take a big beach bag to a beach.
- Make comments and ask questions about getting to the beach:
- Take a bike or a bus to the beach?
- Take a bumpy bike or bouncy bus to the beach?
- Better get to the beach on a bus or a bike?
- Be a bumpy bike biking to the beach.
- Be on a bouncy bus bringing us to the beach.
- The bus (or bike) better be bringing us to the beach.
Bring a Blanket and the Big Beach Bag to the Beach
- State that you are at a breezy beach.
- Brag about bringing a blanket and bag to the beach on a bike or bus.
- Comment on bringing a big beach bag (with blue, black, or brown on it) to the beach:
- What a bother to bring this big, bulky beach bag to the beach on the bus (or bike).
- I brought belongings in this big bulky beach bag to the beach.
- I borrowed and bought things to bring to the beach in the big beach bag.
- The big bulky beach bag has some brown (or blue or black).
Unpack the beach bag at the beach
- Tell the children they will see what belongings you borrowed, bought, and brought to the beach in the big beach bag.
- Name items that you believe you brought in the bag (e.g., brush, box, bowl, basket, book, etc.).
- Pull out the items or produce gestures of items brought in the big beach bag:
- A basket, a backpack, and a broken bracelet with beads.
- My best bell, binoculars, Bs, banana, bun, ball, block, bell, button, boot, basket, broom, and box.
- Comment on being at the bottom of the bag and gesture what is there:
- At the bottom of the big beach bag, I brought a broom and a brush.
Balance and bat balls and break bubbles at the beach
- Pretend to do things on the beach blanket at the beach:
- Blow and break bubbles
- Balance, bat, and bounce bouncy balls
- Build with blocks
- Eat pretend bananas, baked beans, a bit of bread, and a burger on a buttered bun with bits of bacon
Re-pack items that begin with /b/ in the big beach bag
- Ask the children what they will bring back from the beach on the bus or bike in the big beach bag.
- Let gestures stand for items and put /b/ things back in the big beach bag.
- Make the comment, “Better not bring back bugs or bees in the big beach bag.”
Blend sounds into words
- Have children blend word parts into whole words (e.g., “b (tap head) + at (touch toes) = bat (clap hands)”).
- b + ag = bag
- b + ook = book
- b + all = ball
- b + ug = bug
SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce the /b/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /b/.
- Big beach bag
- Picture cards*
*Items included below.
Activity: Big Beach Bag
- Hide the picture cards around a room (optional).
- Take turns with your child finding picture cards or items that begin with the /b/ sound (e.g., ball, box, button, banana).
- As you or your child puts items or pictures in the big beach bag, say, "I'm bringing ___ (e.g., banana) to the beach in my big beach bag."
- Ask if you would like to bring an item (e.g., book, burger, bun, bacon, it to the beach) and say, “We will bring a _____(e.g., blanket) to the beach in the big beach bag.”
- Name each of the /b/ items that you will bring to the beach (emphasizing the /b/ sound).
- Comment on how it is better not to bring a bug to the beach.
Big Beach Bag