Dynamite Dot Bingo
Recognize and produce the /d/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /d/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- dot
- dog
- duck
- dad
- dice
- Bingo game boards
- Bingo cards
- Dots
- Container
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will be playing Dynamite Dot Bingo while listening for words that start with the /d/ sound, such as dot, dog, dad, and den.
Literacy Activities
Dynamite Dot Bingo
- Give each child a bingo game board and place enough dots for each child in the middle of the table.
- Draw a bingo card from the container and have the children help you identify the picture on the card, as you emphasize the /d/ sound at the beginning of the word.
- If the children have the corresponding picture on their card, have them put a dot on it and say aloud, “Dot on the ___ (e.g., dog).”
- When a child gets a “bingo” (dots in a single horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line) or a “blackout” (dots in every space), have them call out “Dynamite Dot Bingo!”
- When a child calls out "Dynamite Dot Bingo," have the child identify the pictures underneath the winning dots, saying, “Dot on a ___ (e.g., dog)” for each one.
More Practice
Clap out sounds in words
- Have the children take apart the word dog and clap once for each sound in the word (/d/ /o/ /g/).
- Ask the children how many times they clapped for the word dog (3).
- Clap for each sound in the word dog again to reinforce the model.
- Repeat with other words that start with /d/ (e.g., dot, duck, den).
- Point out that all of the words start with the /d/ sound.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce the /d/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /d/.
- Picture cards
- Timer/stopwatch/clock (optional)
Activity: Dash to the /d/ Sound
- Before you begin, cut out the picture cards.
- Help your child identify each picture card, emphasizing the /d/ sound at the beginning of each word.
- Put the picture cards at one end of a room or yard and stand with your child at the opposite end.
- When you say, "Ready, set, dash!" have your child run to the picture cards and choose one.
- Before he or she brings the card back, have your child identify the picture on it and say, "I dashed to the ___ (e.g., dog)!" then run back with the card.
- Take turns running and choosing cards until all of the picture cards have been chosen, cheering each other on by saying, "Dash to the /d/ sound!"
- If desired, repeat the activity using a timer/stopwatch/clock as you each try to get a faster time.
- When you have finished playing, go through the picture cards again with your child, saying the words together and emphasizing the /d/ sound.
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Dynamite Dot Bingo