Henry the Hungry Hippo

Henry the Hungry Hippo
Target text


Recognize and produce the /h/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /h/.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • Henry
  • hungry
  • hippo
  • hot dog
  • honey
  • hamburger


  • Hippo puppet graphic  
  • Picture cards  
  • Paper lunch sack
  • Ziploc bag 

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will feed Henry the Hippo while they listen for words that begin with the /h/ sound, such as hungry, hippo, hot dog, and hamburger

Literacy Activities
Feed Henry food with the /h/ sound

  • Assemble the hippo puppet using the graphics and instructions.
  • Tell the children that Henry the Hippo is very hungry, but he only eats things that start with the /h/ sound, such as hot dogs, honey, hamburgers and sometimes things like houses and hammers
  • Allow the children to take turns choosing a picture card. 
  • One at a time, have them show the card they chose to the class and help them identify what is on the card. 
  • Ask the children, “Does that thing start with the /h/ sound? Is Henry the Hippo hungry for ___ (the item on the card)?” 
    • If the item begins with the /h/ sound, have them answer, “Yes, Henry the Hippo is hungry for ___ (the item on the card)” and have the child with the card "feed" it to the Henry the Hippo puppet. 
    • If the item does not start with the /h/ sound, have them answer, “No, Henry the Hippo is not hungry for ___ (the item on the card).” and set the picture in a discard pile. 

More Practice 
Repeat words with the target sound

  • Ask the children to tell you the /h/ sound things that Henry the Hippo ate, and echo the words back, emphasizing the /h/ sound (e.g., /h/ /h/ /h/ honey). 
  • Invite children to think of other words that start with the /h/ sound, such as head, hair, hand, helicopter, and hamster.
  • When the children share words they think of, have them do one of the following
    • If they share a word that starts with /h/, let them make the Henry the Hippo puppet do a happy dance.
    • If the item doesn’t start with the /h/ sound, ask the child if the item starts with /h/ like /h/ /h/ Henry and /h/ /h/ hippo, then help them think of an /h/ word so they get to make Henry dance, too.
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and produce the /h/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /h/.


  • Puppet graphic 
  • Picture cards  
  • Brown paper lunch sack
  • Ziploc bag

Activity: Hungry Hippo  

  • Attach the puppet graphic and the Ziploc bag to the lunch sack as shown in the instructions.
  • Introduce your child to the Henry the Hippo puppet, and explain that Henry the Hippo is hungry for things that start with the /h/ sound, such as honey or a hamburger.
  • Take turns choosing a picture card, and ask your child, "Is Henry the Hippo hungry for ___  (the item on the picture card)?" 
    • If the picture is something that begins with the /h/ sound (e.g., a hat), have your child say, "Yes, Henry the Hippo is hungry for ___ (a hat)," and pretend to feed it to the hippo by putting the picture through the hippo's mouth. 
    • If the item does not start with the /h/ sound, have your child answer, "No, Henry the Hippo is not hungry for ___ (e.g., chicken)." and set the picture aside.
  • Review the /h/ cards with your child, emphasizing the /h/ sound as you say them together.


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