Juggle Jugs

Recognize and produce the /j/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /j/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- jog
- jerk
- jump
- juggle
- jiggle
- jingle
- Milk jugs or maple syrup jugs (see photo below)
- String
- Coins
- Letter cards*
*Item included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will juggle and jiggle jugs as they listen for words that start with the /j/ sound such as jingle, juggle, jump, and jerk.
Literacy Activities
Juggle jugs
- Give the children jugs and have them tape or glue J's on the jugs.
- Have the children try to juggle two jugs with J's.
- Comment on what the child is doing:
- Juggle, juggle, juggle jugs.
- Juggle jugs with J's!
Jiggle and jingle jugs
- Place coins in the jugs and have the children jiggle the jugs to make them jingle.
- Say phrases such as the following:
- Jiggle jugs!
- Jugs with J's jiggle, jangle, and jingle.
- Jiggling jugs makes the jugs jingle.
- Jiggle and jingle jugs with J's.
Jumping, jerking, jogging jugs
- Tie strings to the jugs.
- Have the children tug on the string to give the jug a jerk.
- Let the children tug on the strings of jugs to jiggle the jugs or make the jugs jump or jog.
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Juggle Jugs