monster masks
Monster Masks
Recognize and produce the /m/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /m/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- monster
- mask
- macaroni
- moon
- marshmallows
- Monster mask patterns
- Picture cards
- Small objects starting with /m/ (e.g., macaroni, mini marshmallows, moons, monkeys, mice)
- Mirror (optional)
- Book: A Halloween Mask for Monster by Virginia Mueller (optional)
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will make monster masks as they listen for words that begin with the /m/ sound, such as moon, macaroni, marshmallows, and markers.
Literacy Activities
Make a monster mask
- Read the book A Halloween Mask for Monster by Virginia Mueller (optional).
- Point out to the children that the words monster and mask both start with the /m/ sound, and ask them to listen for more /m/ words during the activity.
- Lay all of the picture cards (see below) on a table or the floor for the children to see, then hold up the cards one at a time and ask the children to identify the pictures.
- Have the children repeat the names of the objects together, emphasizing the /m/ sound (e.g., /m/ /m/ monkey).
- Give each child a pre-cut monster mask (see below) and encourage the children to decorate their masks with the /m/ objects (e.g., macaroni, mini marshmallows, moons, monkeys, mice).
- Invite the children to take turns modeling their mask, looking in a mirror, and telling the other children what /m/ objects they put on their mask (e.g., "I put moons, monkeys, and marshmallows on my monster mask.").
- Point out the words the children said that started with the /m/ sound and have the children echo back the words, listening for the /m/ sound.
Monster mask march
- Assist the children in putting on their masks, play some marching music as they do a monster mask march, and have them tell you an /m/ word as they pass you (optional).
More Practice
Repeat words with the target sound
- Have the children each tell you one /m/ thing they put on their masks as you write what they tell you on a whiteboard or chart.
- Read the list to the children slowly, emphasizing the /m/ sound, and have them echo the words back to you.
March and say the target sound in words
- Have the children march and say each sound of the word mud:
- segment sounds: say /m/ (march right), say /u/ (march left), say /d/ (march right)
- blend sounds: jump with both feet and say mud to blend the sounds into the whole word
- Repeat with other words that start with /m/ (e.g., mat, mop, met, more).
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Monster Masks