Pie, Pop, and Pears
Recognize and/or produce the /p/ sound in phrases or a series of words that all being with /p/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- please
- pink
- plate
- purple
- party
- P foods or picture cards (see below) (e.g., pop, pretzels, pickles, etc.)
- Pink and/or purple plates—1 for each child
State and model the objective
Tell the children they are going to eat P things off of pink (or purple) plates, practice saying "please," and listen for words beginning with the /p/ sound.
Practice the skill within an activity
Please pass the P
- Have children sit in a circle.
- Show children the P food items or picture cards and introduce each one by placing them on a plate and say “We have p___ on our plate.”
- Tell children to raise their hands and say, “May I please have a pink (or purple) plate.” Hand each child a plate once they ask.
- Demonstrate how to request different P food items or picture cards by saying, “Please pass the p___.” Go around the circle and allow each child to ask for one P food item or picture card.
- When each child has had a turn to ask for a P food item or picture card, pretend to be at a party and eat the P food.
Apply the skill
Clap out sounds in words
- Have the children take apart the word pass and clap once for each sound in the word (/p/ /a/ /s/).
- Ask the children how many times they clapped for the word pass (3).
- Clap for each sound in the word pass again to reinforce the model.
- Repeat with other words that start with /p/ (e.g., pick, pot, pen, pear, put).
- Point out that all of the words start with the /p/ sound.
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SEEL At Home
With support, your child will say the letter P (e.g., pizza).
- P picture cards
- Plates-1 for each person
- Foods that start with the letter P (e.g., pretzels, pizza, pie, popsicles, etc.-optional)
- Paper, pencil, crayons
Activity: Pie, Pop, and Pears
- Sit at the table with your child. Each of you should have a plate.
- Have all of the P picture cards or food items between you and your child.
- Take turns asking, "Please pass the p___." Use this alliterative phrase while taking turns passing the food items or picture cards.
- When all of the food has been distributed, eat the P food items (or pretend to eat the P picture cards) and have a party.
- Help your child make a menu by gluing the P picture cards onto a piece of paper. Have your child say the name of the picture on the P picture card as they glue (support as needed).
- Send the menu to school with your child to share with a teacher and a friend.
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Pie, Pop, and Pears