quick quiet questions

Quick Quiet Questions

Quick Quiet Questions
Target text


Recognize and produce the /q/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /q/. 

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • quiet
  • questions
  • quick
  • queen


  • Question page 
  • Clipboards and pencils
  • Whiteboard with questions written on it 

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will ask and answer questions in quiet voices as they listen for words that begin with the /kw/ sound, such as quilt, queen, quick, quiet, and quarter

Literacy Activities
Quickly ask questions with a quiet voice 

  • Give each child a question page, a clipboard, and a pencil, and review the questions, pointing out the /kw/ sound words (e.g., quilt, queen). 
  • Show the children how to ask a question quietly and how to record results by circling yes or no on their question page. 
  • Have one adult lead a group of 4–5 children.
  • Each group will move around the school looking for people to question (e.g., office secretary, lunch ladies, librarian, janitor).
  • When you find someone to ask questions, have each child quietly ask a question (with support as needed) and record the results on his or her question page.
  • Go back to the room and quietly discuss the results of the questions.

More Practice 
Identify words that start with the target letter 

  • Discuss the results from the questions with the children (e.g., “How many people had a quilt?”).
  • Assist the children in identifying which words in the survey questions begin with the /kw/ sound. 
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and produce the /kw/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /kw/.


  • Quiet Questions Survey 

Activity: Quiet Questions 

  • Ask your child to tell you what a quiet question is (e.g., asking a question in a quiet voice).
  • Have your child go around the house and ask everyone who is home a quiet question (if just you and your child are home, take turns asking each other questions).
  • After your child asks a question (with support as needed), have him or her circle the answer on the survey. 
  • After your child asks all of the quiet questions, make a list of questions that were answered "yes" and a list of questions that were answered "no" on the back of the survey.
  • Read each list of questions and have your child quack like a duck when he or she hears a word that begins with the /kw/ sound.


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