Rev the Red Race Car

Recognize and produce the /r/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /r/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- red
- race car
- rev
- roar
- race
- Red race car (toy car) or race car graphic colored red
- Race car steering wheels (paper plates or paper circles)
- Race car road
- The Race Car Wheels target text
- Book: The Wheels on the Race Car by Alexander Zane (optional)
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will get ready for a road race while listening for words that start with the /r/ sound, such as red, rev, race, road, and radio.
Literacy Activities
Get the race car ready to race
- Make a race car road on the floor with some tape.
- Have the children pretend to get ready for the road race by echoing the phrases below after you say them, emphasizing the /r/ sound in the appropriate words:
- Remember to put gas in your race car.
- Reach for your seat belt.
- Turn off the radio.
- Teach the children The Race Car Wheels song, making up actions for each verse.
- Give each child a race car steering wheel, say, “Rev the engine!” (make an /r/ sound like a car engine), and begin the race by saying, “Ready, set, ride!
- Sing The Race Car Wheels song with the children as everyone carefully “rides” in their pretend race cars along the road.
More Practice
Repeat words that begin with the target letter
- Read the words from the first verse of The Race Car Wheels song slowly to the class.
- Have children raise their steering wheels whenever they hear a word that begins with the /r/ sound.
- As children raise their steering wheels, pause to let them repeat the /r/ word that they heard.
- Repeat with other verses as desired.
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SEEL Target Texts
The Race Car Wheels (to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus")
The race car wheels go round and round,
Round and round, round and round.
The race car wheels go round and round,
All through the race.
Round and round, round and round.
The race car wheels go round and round,
All through the race.
The race car roof is red, red, red,
Red, red, red, red, red, red.
The race car roof is red, red, red,
All through the race.
Red, red, red, red, red, red.
The race car roof is red, red, red,
All through the race.
The race car brakes go rrr rrr rrr,
Rrr rrr rrr, rrr rrr rrr.
The race car brakes go rrr rrr rrr,
All through the race.
Rrr rrr rrr, rrr rrr rrr.
The race car brakes go rrr rrr rrr,
All through the race.
The race car motor goes roar, roar, roar,
Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar.
The race car motor goes roar, roar, roar
All through the race.
Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar.
The race car motor goes roar, roar, roar
All through the race.
The race car ride is rough, rough, rough,
Rough, rough, rough, rough, rough, rough.
The race car ride is rough, rough, rough
All through the race.
Rough, rough, rough, rough, rough, rough.
The race car ride is rough, rough, rough
All through the race.
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SEEL At Home
Repeat phrases that begin with the /r/ sound (e.g., red race car).
- The Race Car Wheels song
- Race car steering wheel (paper plate or paper circle)
Activity: Red Race Car
- Pretend to ride in a race car while singing The Race Car Wheels song with your child and make up actions for each new verse.
- You may add verses to the song if you or your child can think of other /r/ actions a race car would do.
- After singing the song, help your child remember and repeat the /r/ words from the song.
- Repeat the /r/ words with your child, emphasizing the /r/ sound (e.g., /r/ /r/ rev), and do an action with each one.
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Rev the Red Race Car