Sink or Swim
Recognize and produce the /s/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /s/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- sink
- swim
- sock
- sponge
- sprinkles
- Tub filled with water
- Small /s/ items (e.g., sock, sponge, spaghetti noodles, spoon)
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will predict what /s/ things will sink or swim as they listen for words that start with the /s/ sound, such as sock, sink, sponge, and spoon.
Literacy Activities
Will it sink or swim?
- Show the children one /s/ item at a time, emphasizing the /s/ sound.
- Have the children predict if the /s/ item will sink or swim in the water.
- Test the prediction by putting the item in the water while the children chant, “A ___ (e.g., sock) will sink” or “___ (e.g., Spaghetti) will swim,” based on their prediction.
- Have the children observe what happens to the /s/ object and chant, “See, the ___ (e.g., soap) swims!” or “Sorry, the (e.g., spoon) sinks.”
Repeat words with the target letter
- Make two different piles of items that start with /s/ from the activity, a sink pile and a swim pile, and remind the children that they all start with /s/.
- Point out different /s/ items throughout the room and have the children say if they think the item would sink or swim.
Clap out sounds in words
- Have the children take apart the word sob and clap once for each sound in the word (/s/ /o/ /b/).
- Ask the children how many times they clapped for the word sob (3).
- Clap for each sound in the word sob again to reinforce the model.
- Repeat with other words that start with /s/ (e.g., sun, sad, set, sup).
- Point out that all of the words start with the /s/ sound.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce the /s/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /s/.
- Large bowl or small plastic tub
- Small /s/ items (e.g., sock, sponge, spaghetti noodles, spoon)
Activity: Sink or Swim
- Fill a large bowl or small plastic tub ⅔ of the way full of water.
- Help your child identify each of the /s/ items then point out that they each start with the /s/ sound.
- Have your child predict if the /s/ item will sink or swim.
- As your child puts each item in the water, chant, "A ___ (e.g., sponge) will sink" or "___ (e.g., Spaghetti) will swim" together, based on your child's prediction.
- After testing all of the /s/ items, sort them into two piles, a sink pile and a swim pile, and point out that they all begin with /s/.
- Search for other /s/ items in the house and have your child predict if the item would sink or swim.
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Sink or Swim