switch seats
Switch Seats
Recognize and produce the /s/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /s/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- switch
- stay
- seat
- Chairs, placed in a circle
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will play a seat-switching game as they listen for words that start with /s/, such as seat, switch, sit, and stay.
Literacy Activities
Switch Seats game
- Choose one child to stand in the middle of the circle of chairs and have the other children sit down on the chairs, making sure every seat is filled.
- Explain the Switch Seats game:
- Have the child in the middle of the circle walk up to one of the sitting children and say either, “Stay in your seat,” or “Switch seats.”
- If the child in the middle says, “Stay in your seat,” the children stay where they are and the child in the middle approaches another child.
- If the child in the middle says, “Switch seats,” all of the children switch seats while the person in the middle tries to sit in a seat.
- Have the children chant, “Switch seats!” as they find new seats.
- The person who doesn’t get a seat is the new child in the middle.
- Repeat the game as many times as desired.
- Remind the children of the words in the activity that begin with /s/ and invite them to think of other words that start with /s/, supporting as necessary.
More Practice
Identify words with the target letter
- Put one more chair in the circle so all the children have a chair.
- Explain to the children that they should stay in their seat if you say a word that doesn’t begin with the /s/ sound.
- Tell the children that they should only switch seats If you say a word that begins with the /s/ sound.
- Stand on the outside of the circle of chairs and say several /s/ and non-/s/ words in random order (e.g., skunk, sell, run, sip, space, fast, spider, sink, dog, sail) while the children stay or switch as appropriate.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce the /s/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /s/.
- Two chairs
Activity: Switch Seats
- Have your child sit in one of the chairs and explain the Switch Seats game:
- If you say a word that begins with the /s/ sound, your child switches to the other seat.
- If you say a word that doesn't begin with the /s/ sound, your child stays in the same seat.
- Repeat as many times as desired, going faster or slower to make it exciting.
- After playing several times, switch roles and have your child say words while you stay or switch seats, helping him or her think of words as needed.
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Switch Seats