Spooky Spider

Recognize and produce the /sp/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /sp/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- spooky
- spider
- spots
- spin
- Pre-made spiders
- Spooky Spider song
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will spin the Spooky Spider as they listen for words that begin with the /sp/ sound, such as spin, spider, spots, and spooky.
Literacy Activity
Spin the spooky spider with spots
- Make Spooky Spiders as follows:
- Cut black paper into a circle, draw a straight line from the outside to the center of the circle, then cut a slit along the line.
- Overlap and tape the circle to form a shallow cone-shaped body then fasten a string to the center of the slit.
- Tape eight small strips of black paper around the cone to form legs.
- Attach or color “spots” on spider body (use fluorescent sticker dots or white crayons to make dots).
- Thread 12” string or yarn through center of circle body and tape it inside on center of the slit.
- Have the children sit in a circle as you sing the Spooky Spider song (see below) and model spinning the spider.
- Point out that spooky, spider, and spin all begin with the /sp/ sound then say, “See Spooky Spider’s spots spin! Spinning spots make Spooky Spider dizzy, so he stops!” and drop the spider to the floor when you say “stops.”
- Encourage the children to sing along and let them take turns spinning the Spooky Spider in the center of the circle.
- Review all the /sp/ words from the song, emphasizing the /sp/ sound, and have the children echo them back.
More Practice
Repeat words with the target letter
- Gather in front of a chalk or whiteboard.
- Draw the Spooky Spider on the board with a large circle body and eight skinny legs.
- Write /sp/ words on the spider’s body (e.g., spin, spot, spider) and invite the children to take a turn circling a /sp/ word to make spots on the Spooky Spider.
- As desired, pass out Spooky Spiders to children and sing the song a few more times, letting the spiders spin on the string.
- Say alliterative phrases like, “Do you see spots on your Spooky Spider? Make the spots spin while we sing Spooky Spider’s song!”
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SEEL Target Texts
Spooky Spider Song (to the tune of "Frere Jacques")
Spooky Spider,
Spooky Spider,
See the spots.
See the spots.
Spinning Spooky Spider.
Spinning Spooky Spider.
Spider stops!
No more spots.
Spooky Spider,
See the spots.
See the spots.
Spinning Spooky Spider.
Spinning Spooky Spider.
Spider stops!
No more spots.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce the /sp/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /sp/.
- Spooky Spider song
- Spider graphic or spider made at school
Activity: Spooky Spider
- Have your child teach you the Spooky Spider song (words below).
- Take turns having one person close his or her eyes while the other person hides the spider.
- Sing the Spooky Spider song together as the second person looks for the spider.
- Repeat activity as many times as desired, taking turns hiding the spider.
- Help your child remember all the words from the song that start with the /sp/ sound, emphasizing the /sp/ sound as he or she spins the spider.
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Spooky Spider