Spill and Sprinkle

Spill and Sprinkle
Target text


Recognize and produce the /sp/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /sp/.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • spill
  • sprinkle
  • spin
  • spread
  • spots


  • Spots (paper hole-punch circles)
  • Plastic drop cloth or large plastic trash bag
  • Action cards

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will spill, sprinkle, and spin spots all over the table while listening for words that start with the /sp/ sound, such as spot, spin, spill, and sprinkle

Literacy Activity
Spin, spill, and sprinkle spots 

  • Show the children how to spin, spill, or sprinkle spots, and point out that spin, spill, sprinkle, and spots all start with the /sp/ sound.
  • Ask a child to pick an action card and help the child perform the action with the spots. 
  • Have the rest of the children chant a phrase related to the selected action (e.g., “Sprinkle spots! Sprinkle spots!”). 
  • Give each child a turn to pick a card and perform the associated action, reminding them that all the actions start with /sp/

More Practice
Tongue twisters with /sp/ 

  • Help the children practice making the /sp/ sound by emphasizing it in words from the activity (e.g., /sp/, /sp/, spill).
  • Have the children echo a phrase made up of /sp/ words (e.g., “Spin, spin, spin the spots,” “We spread spilled spots.”).

Blend sounds into words 

  • Have the children blend word parts into whole words by tapping their head when they say the beginning /sp/ sound, then touching their toes when they say the ending, and finally clapping once when they say the whole word together. For example: sp (tap head) + ot (tap toes) = spot (clap hands). 
    • sp + ot = spot
    • sp + at = spat
    • sp + ill = spill
    • sp + in = spin 
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and produce the /sp/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /sp/


  • Action word cards 
  • 3–4 /sp/ items (e.g., spoons, spaghetti, spots, Spam) 
  • Bowl

Activity: Spill and Sprinkle 

  • Take turns drawing an action card out of the bowl and choosing a /sp/ item (e.g., spoon). 
  • As you do the action with the chosen item, repeat an alliterative phrase that goes along with the action (e.g., "Spin the spoon!" or "Spill the spaghetti!").
  • When you have finished, help your child think of an action that starts with /sp/, then say it together, emphasizing the /sp/ sound (e.g., /sp/, /sp/, spin).
  • Repeat with other /sp/ words, adding actions if desired.

Sp Action Cards

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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
