T Train

Recognize and produce the /t/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /t/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- tour
- tent
- trail
- tiptoe
- train
- Objects or pictures of objects that start with the /t/ sound (e.g., taco, tent, top)
- Tent or a large picture of a tent drawn on the board
- Book: Maisy Goes Camping by Lucy Cousins (optional)
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will pretend to stay in a tent in Texas while they listen for words that begin with the /t/ sound, such as train, tent, tour, and treat.
Literacy Activities
Take a tour of Texas
- Have the children pick an object or picture of an object beginning with the /t/ sound to take on a tour of Texas.
- Let the children pretend to get on a train that will take them around Texas.
- Tell the children the train is powered by the /t/ sound and have the children say the /t/ sound fast or slow to drive the train to their tent in Texas.
- When the train stops, have the children pretend to tiptoe through tall trees to get to the tent.
- Have the children identify their /t/ objects or pictures aloud and put them in the tent.
- Sit in the tent and pretend to eat tasty treats while reading Maisy Goes Camping (optional).
More Practice
Repeat words that begin with the target letter
- Give each child a piece of paper and have them fold it in half to look like a tent.
- Help the children remember the words that start with /t/ that were mentioned in the activity (e.g., tent, train, taco, towel) and think of more as desired.
- Encourage the children to draw pictures of some of those items that begin with the /t/ sound on the tent.
- Say together, “The /t/ tour tent has a t___ on it!” filling in the blank with the name of a /t/ picture that a child drew on their tent.
Clap out sounds in words
- Have the children take apart the word top and clap once for each sound in the word (/t/ /o/ /p/).
- Ask the children how many times they clapped for the word top (3).
- Clap for each sound in the word top again to reinforce the model.
- Repeat with other words that start with /t/ (e.g., tap, ten, team, tar, tug).
- Point out that all of the words start with the /t/ sound.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce the /t/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /t/.
- Paper
- Pencil
Activity: T Tour
- Go on a walk with your child and pretend to be on a train that is powered by the /t/ sound (the faster you say the /t/ sound, the faster you go).
- As you pretend to ride on the "train," practice saying the /t/ sound together to make your train go faster and slower.
- With your child, look for things that begin with the /t/ sound (e.g., tree, trunk, truck, tire, twig).and say together, "Toot! Toot! I see a /t/, /t/, t___."
- When you get home, talk about the /t/ things you saw together, emphasizing the /t/ sound (e.g., /t/, /t/ tire) and inviting your child to echo each word.
- Note: This activity can also be done in the car.
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T Train