Letter X Marks the Spot

Recognize and produce the /ks/ sound in a series of words that all end with /ks/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- box
- six
- ox
- wax
- fox
- X Marks the Spot treasure map
- Picture cards
- Large uppercase letter X
- Box with letter X on top
- Treat or other “treasure” inside box—one for each child
- Timer
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will go on a treasure hunt where X marks the spot as they listen for words that end with the /ks/ sound, such as fox, box, six, and wax.
Literacy Activity
X leads to the treasure box
- Hide the picture cards and the treasure box (with the "treasure" or treats inside it) around the room.
- Tell the children that they need to look for picture cards that end with the /ks/ sound.
- When a picture card is found, have the child say, “I found a(n) ___, and it ends with /ks/,” and have everyone say together, “___ ends with /ks/!”
- When all the /ks/ pictures have been found, have the children search for the X that marks the spot and the box.
- Have the children say the /ks/ sound three times to open the box.
- Open the treasure box and share the treasure or treat inside.
- Help the children recall words they heard in the lesson that end in /ks/ and emphasize the /ks/ sound as you all say them together.
More Practice
Repeat the name of the target letter
- Play "Hot Potato" with the large uppercase letter X (see below).
- Set a timer for 30 seconds.
- Sit in a circle and pass the X around quickly.
- When the timer goes off, have the child who is left holding the X say, “X makes the /ks/ sound and X marks the spot!”
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce the /ks/ sound in a series of words that all end with X.
- Letter cards
- Picture cards
- Box for treasure
- "Treasure" or treat to put inside the box
Activity: X Marks the Spot
- Make a path of letter X cards and picture cards through your house that leads to the "treasure box."
- Have your child follow the path, saying "X says /ks/!" when he or she finds a letter X card, or "___ (e.g., Fox) ends with /ks/. /ks/, /ks/, /ks/" when he or she finds a picture card.
- When your child reaches the "treasure box," have him or her say the /ks/ sound three times to be able to open the box.
- Open the box and enjoy the treasure or treat that's inside together.
- Have fun looking at all the word cards together, saying the words aloud and emphasizing the /ks/ sound.
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Letter X Marks the Spot