Yellow Yak

Recognize and produce the /y/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /y/.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- yellow
- yak
- yard
- yummy
- yes
- Large piece of yellow paper
- Yellow Yak graphic
- Picture cards
- Yellow yarn
- Yellow crayons
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will help Yellow Yak yank things into his yard as they listen for words that start with the /y/ sound, such as yard, yes, yellow, and yummy.
Literacy Activities
- Attach a piece of yarn to each picture card.
- Explain to the children that Yellow Yak loves having things in his yard (yellow paper), but he only says “yes” to things beginning with the sound of the letter y.
- Choose a child to help find a picture card for Yellow Yak to yank into his yard.
- If the picture card begins with the sound of the letter y, have the children say, “Yes! Yank the ___ (e.g., yoyo) into the yard!” and place it in the yard.
- If the picture card doesn’t begin with the sound of the letter y, have the child place it in a discard pile.
- Repeat until all of the children have a turn.
- Point to the picture cards that have the sound of the letter y and have the children repeat each word.
More Practice
- Give each child three pieces of yellow yarn (one long, two short).
- Show the children how to make an uppercase letter Y with the yarn.
- Review the items that Yellow Yak had in his yard that start with the sound of the letter y and have the children yell, “Yes, the ___ (e.g., yarn)!” for each item.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce the /y/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /y/.
- Yak and Y picture card graphics
- Paper and pencil
Activity: Yellow Yak
- Look through the Y picture cards with your child and put a name to each one.
- With your child, determine if the yellow yak would like having the items in his yard (the yellow yak only likes things in his yard that begin with the letter Y).
- With your child, search for things around your home that begin with the letter Y.
- Make a list of all of the things you found around your home that begin with the letter Y.
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Yellow Yak