star car
Star Car
Recognize words that rhyme with car (e.g., “Do star and car rhyme?”) and produce rhyme words (e.g., “Think of a word that rhymes with car.”).
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- car
- far
- jar
- are
- star
- Chair
- Jar
- Large star graphic*
- Small star graphics*
- We Are in a Big Star Car target text*
*Items included below
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will pretend to drive far in a car and recognize and produce words that rhyme with car, such as star, far, jar, and tar.
Literacy Activities
Let's go far in a car
- Place the small star graphics in the jar and the large star graphic at one end of the room (graphics found below).
- Teach the children the We Are in a Big Star Car song (to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”) found below.
- Ask the children to listen for words that rhyme with car while they pretend to go on a car ride as outlined below:
Say: | Suggested Actions: |
Let's make a car so we can go far. | Set up groups of 4-6 chairs to be a pretend car. |
Let's make a Star Car! Take a star from the jar. Put a star on the car. | Have children decorate the chairs with stars. Each time a star is placed on a chair, say together, "A star for the car." |
Our Star Car is ready. Get in the Star Car. | Point to the chairs, and have children take a seat. |
Buckle up in the Star Car. Shall we go far? I'll start the car. We'll drive far in the Star Car. | Pretend to buckle up and start the engine. Have children make the -ar sound, pretending to be the car. |
The car is going far. Let's sing in the car. | Sing the We are in a Big Star Car song together. |
Oh look, it's getting dark! Can you see the star? We went far in our Star Car. | Point toward the large star at the other end of the room. |
- Help the children recall and say the words that rhyme with car that they heard during the activity: far, car, jar, are.
More Practice
Produce words that rhyme with car
- Give each of the children a star graphic and ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with car.
- Pass a jar around the circle and allow each child to say a word that rhymes with car as they place their star in the jar (support as needed).
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SEEL Target Texts
We Are in a Big Star Car
We are in a big star car,
Big star car, big star car.
We are in a big star car.
This car is going far.
*Sung to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce words that rhyme with car.
- Star graphics
Activity: Star Car
- Tell your child you will be going on a real (or pretend) Star Car trip, and place the star graphics in a car (or room) where your child can see them.
- Have your child listen for words that rhyme with car as together you sing the We Are in a Big Star Car song (to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”):
- Play a game in the car (or pretend car) where you each look for a star and say a word that rhymes with car.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Star Car