chew with charlie

Chew with Charlie

Chew with Charlie
Target text


Associate the letters ch with the /ch/ sound in words such as chop, chomp, and cherries.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • chip
  • cheese
  • chomp
  • chew
  • cherries
  • chocolate


  • Charlie puppet*
  • Picture cards*
  • Chomp and Chew chant*
  • Sticky notes
  • Word cards*
  • Foods that begin with /ch/ (e.g., chocolate chips, cherries, Cheerios) (optional)

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will choose foods to chew and chomp as they practice saying the /ch/ sound in words that start with the letters ch, such as chips, Cheerios, cherries, and cheese.

Literacy Activities
Help Charlie chomp and chew 

  • Assemble the Charlie puppet.
  • Teach the children the Chomp and Chew chant.
  • Explain that we use our teeth to chomp and chew things like chips and cheese. 
    • Emphasize the /ch/ sound by repeating it a few times before each ch word. 
  • Introduce Charlie the puppet to the children and explain that Charlie only likes to chomp and chew foods that start with the /ch/ sound.
  • Let the children choose a food picture to feed to Charlie, then help the children decide whether the picture begins with the /ch/ sound.
    • If the food begins with /ch/, have the children pretend to feed it to Charlie to chomp and chew it.
    • If the food does not begin with /ch/, set the picture in a discard pile.
  • Have the children repeat the Chomp and Chew chant as they feed Charlie.
  • Let the children write the letters ch on a sticky note and label each picture that starts with the /ch/ sound.

Chomp and chew foods that begin with /ch/ (optional)

  • Let each child choose a real food (or picture card) that starts with ch by saying, “I choose to chomp and chew ___ (e.g., chips, Cheerios, cherries, cheese)."

More Practice
Identify the target sound

  • Display the Chomp and Chew chant for the children.
  • Read the text together as a group.
  • Have the children circle the letters ch throughout the text, saying the /ch/ sound each time.
  • Read the text again slowly and have the children pretend to chomp each time they hear a word that begins with the /ch/ sound.

Write the target letter

  • Have the children write the letters ch at the beginning of the words on the word cards.
  • Help the children read the words, emphasizing the /ch/ sound at the beginning of each word (e.g., /ch/, /ch/, chip).
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SEEL Target Texts

Chomp and Chew Chant

Chomp, chomp, chomp and chew the cheese.
Chew the cheese.
Chew the cheese.
Chomp, chomp, chomp and chew the cheese.
Chomp and chew with Charlie.
(Repeat as desired, having the children choose different /ch/ foods to replace the underlined word with, such as chips, cherries, chicken, and chocolate.)
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SEEL At Home



Associate the letters ch with the /ch/ sound in words such as chop, chomp, and cherries.


  • Picture cards
  • Charlie puppet

Activity: Chomp and Chew

  • Cut out the mouth of the Charlie puppet.
  • Introduce your child to Charlie the puppet and explain that Charlie only likes to eat foods that start with the ch sound. 
  • Take turns choosing a picture card, and for each card ask, "Would Charlie like to chomp and chew on ___?"
    • If the word begins with the /ch/ sound, have your child say, "Yes, Charlie would like to chomp and chew on ___!" and pretend to feed the picture to Charlie.
    • If the word doesn't begin with the /ch/ sound, have your child set it aside.
  • Review the /ch/ picture cards with your child, and have him or her circle the beginning ch in each word.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.