Expanding Engine

Associate the uppercase letter E and lowercase letter e with the short /e/ sound in words such as egg, end, and engine.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- engine
- end
- expand
- explode
- excellent
- Engine graphic
- Picture and word cards
- E and e letter cards
- Train car graphics
- Word blending cards
- Writing practice page
The children will play with an expanding engine as they practice saying the /e/ sound in words beginning with the letter E, such as end, engine, and explode.
Literacy Activities
An expanding engine
- Cut, glue, and fold the engine graphic along the dotted lines to create an expanding engine.
- Have the children help you expand the engine by unfolding the paper.
- While emphasizing the target sound, tell the children that the expanding engine will hold pictures of things that start with the /e/ sound like engine.
- Lay out the E and non-E picture cards and have the children sort the pictures.
- Have the children label each picture by writing the letter E or e on each picture as they make comments such as “envelope starts with E.”
- Let the children put the pictures that start with E in the pockets of the expanding engine.
The excellent engine
- Fill the pockets of the engine from the previous activity with picture cards and E letter cards.
- Comment that the engine is excellent.
- Pull the ends of the train in and out quickly so that the picture and word cards fall out, then comment that the engine exploded!
- Have the children "explode" by crouching down low and then jumping up high.
- Comment that because the engine exploded, maybe it is not such an excellent engine after all.
Extending the train
- Give the children word cards and have them circle the letter E at the beginning of each word that starts with E (support reading as necessary).
- Have the children tape the word cards to the extra train cars.
- Attach the train cars to the engine from the previous activity to extend the train.
- Let the children put an E word at the end of the train.
- Allow the children to drive the excellent engine around the edges of the room.
More Practice
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
- Have the children identify the beginning, middle, and ending sounds of words by tapping their head (beginning), their shoulders (middle) and their hips (end) (e.g., met = /m/ tap shoulder, /e/ tap elbow, /t/ tap fingers).
- red = r + e + d
- set = s + e + t
- bed = b + e + d
- pen = p + e + n
- With word blending cards, have the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
- Change the beginning sound: pet → net; red → bed
- Change the ending sound: let → led; met → men
- Change the middle sound: set → sat; pen → pan; net → not
Write the target letter
- Help the children write the uppercase letter E and lowercase letter e using the writing practice page.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Expanding Engine