Bell and Shell Store

Recognize words that rhyme with bell (e.g., “Do bell and sell rhyme?”) and produce rhyme words (e.g., “Think of a word that rhymes with bell”).
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- bell
- well
- sell
- tell
- yell
- shell
- smell
- swell
- Things that smell (e.g., soap)
- "Bell and Shell" store sign*
- Pictures of nutshells*
- Pictures of seashells*
- Pictures of bells*
- Nutshells and seashells (optional)
- A bell or bells (optional)
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will run a bell and shell store as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with bell, such as shell, well, smell, yell, and tell.
Literacy Activities
Can you tell?
- Show the children shells, bells, and things that smell (found below).
- Point out that sell, shell, bell, and smell rhyme.
- Highlight words that rhyme as children sort shells, bells, and things that smell (e.g., "Well, a shell!" "A bell," "A shell," "A swell bell," "I can tell, this is a shell," "Well, it is a swell shell!" "A bell is not a shell").
Yell and sell bells and shells
- Let the children decide if they want to sell bells, shells, or things that smell.
- Allow the children to yell and tell what they sell.
- As a customer, ask questions and make comments that highlight -ell words:
- "Tell me what you sell."
- "You sell swell shells."
- "Do you sell bells or shells?"
- "Well, you sell bells."
- "What swell bells!"
- "You sell things that smell!"
Yell out words that rhyme with swell
- Comment on pairs of words that rhyme (e.g. “Bell rhymes with shell”).
- Have the children yell out a word that rhymes with swell, such as sell, tell, and well.
- Ask the children if two words rhyme (e.g., “Do bell and tell rhyme?”).
- If two words rhyme, have the children yell, “___ - ___ rhyme!" (e.g., “Well - shell rhyme!”).
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Bell and Shell Store