Munching Mouse

Associate the uppercase letter M and lowercase letter m with the /m/ sound as in mouse, mittens, and munch.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- mouse
- munch
- monkey
- moon
- motorcycle
- money
- mittens
- Sack mouse puppet
- Sandwich-sized baggie
- Picture cards
- Book: Mouse Mess by Linnea Riley (1997) (optional)
The children will help a mouse munch on /m/ snacks and say the sound /m/ when they see the letter M in words such as mittens, monkey, mess, and mouse.
Literacy Activities
Help the Munching Mouse munch
- Assemble the Munching Mouse puppet as shown in the instructions below.
- Read Mouse Mess by Linnea Riley and have the children listen for words in the story that start with the /m/ sound (optional).
- Show the children the picture cards and help them identify the pictures, emphasizing the /m/ sound.
- Invite the children to pretend to feed the mouse puppet using the picture cards.
- Review the items the children fed to the mouse by removing the picture cards one at a time from the plastic bag and saying sentences like, “Mmmm! Munching Mouse liked the macaroni!”
- Have the children circle the letter M in the word on each picture card and ask them to say the /m/ sound each time they circle a letter.
More Practice
Write the target letter
- Help the children write the uppercase letter M and lowercase letter m on small pieces of paper.
- Let the children feed the letter cards to the munching mouse, saying the /m/ sound each time they feed the letter M to the mouse.
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
- Write the words mop, mug, man, and met on the board.
- Have the children identify the beginning and ending sounds of each word.
- Invite the children to tap their shoulders for the beginning sound and their fingers for the ending sound.
- mop = m + op
- mug = m + ug
- man = m + an
- met = m + et
- Point out that all the words have the /m/ sound at the beginning of the word and start with the letter M.
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SEEL At Home
Associate the uppercase letter M and lowercase letter m with the /m/ sound as in mouse, mittens, and munch.
- Mouse graphic
- Picture cards
Activity: Munching Mouse
- Cut out the picture cards and the mouth of the mouse graphic.
- Have your child circle the letter M in the word on each picture card and say the /m/ sound while circling the letter.
- Invite your child to pretend to feed the mouse picture using the picture cards as you both say, "Mmm! The mouse munches ___ (e.g., milk)."
- Help your child write the uppercase letter M and lowercase letter m on small pieces of paper.
- Let your child feed the letter cards to the munching mouse, saying the /m/ sound each time he or she feeds a letter M to the mouse.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Munching Mouse