Shadow Shapes

Shadow Shapes
Target text


Associate the letters sh with the /sh/ sound as in shape, shark, and shine.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • shadow
  • shape
  • shine
  • ship
  • shirt
  • shark
  • shoe


  • Flashlight or overhead projector
  • Shape cards*
  • Bag
  • T-Chart labeled “sh” and “not sh
  • Shoe shape*
  • Sh letter cards*

* items included below

The children will make shadows with shapes and then practice writing sh and saying the /sh/ sound as in shine, ship, and shark.

Literacy Activities
Make the shapes into shadows

  • Cut out the shapes and tape the names of the shapes on the back.
  • Write the letters sh on a whiteboard and explain that the two letters together make the /sh/ sound.
  • Show the children that shape and shadow start with the letters sh.
  • Put shapes into a bag and have the children choose a shape out of the bag one at a time.
  • Tell the children to hold the shapes in front of a flashlight or place it on an overhead projector to make a shadow on the wall.
  • Ask the children, “What shape is this shadow?”
  • Have the children name the shape of the shadow (e.g., "The shadow is the shape of a ship").
  • Help the children read the label on the object to check their answer.
  • After you make the shadow, tape the shape in the appropriate column of the T-Chart.
    • If the name of the shape starts with the /sh/ sound, tape the shape in the "sh" column
    • If the name of the shape does not start with /sh/, tape the shape in the "not sh" column.
  • Have the children take turns shining the light to make different shadow shapes.

Draw sh shapes

  • Hold up a shape of an object that starts with sh and have everyone say the name of the shape.
  • Have the children draw the shape on paper or on whiteboards.
  • Tell the children to write the letters sh inside each shape.
  • Have the children point to the letters sh inside each shape while saying /sh/.

More Practice
Make a shoe shape with sh letters

  • Have the children place sh letter cards along the outline of the shoe shape.
  • Have the children say the /sh/ sound as they place the sh letter cards along the dotted lines of the shape design.
  • Once the children have finished outlining the shape design with letter cards, have them name the shape.

Write and read the target letter

  • Review the T-Chart on the board.
  • Write a few sentences about the shadow shapes you made (e.g., "We made a shadow the shape of a ___") that start with sh.
  • Have the children help you by writing the initial /sh/ sound in each word.
  • Read the text as a group.
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SEEL At Home



Associate the letters sh with the /sh/ sound as in shape, ship, and sheep.


  • Shape cards
  • Flashlight or lamp

Activity: Shadow Shapes

  • Cut out the shape outlines.
  • Choose a shape, identify the shape with your child, and decide if the shape starts with the /sh/ sound.
    • If the shape starts with /sh/, put the shape in front of the flashlight (or lamp) to make a shadow.
    • If the shape does not start with the /sh/ sound, put the shape off to the side.
  • Help your child make a book by folding two pieces of paper and stapling the folded edges, then write My Shadow Shape Book on the front.
  • Have your child trace the /sh/ pictures on the inside pages of the book and color them in a solid color, then help him or her write the name of the shape underneath each one.
  • Read the book together and point to the letters sh in the name of each shape as you emphasize the /sh/ sound in the word.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.