Wiggle and Waggle

Associate the uppercase letter W and lowercase letter w with the /w/ sound as in wiggle, waggle, and whirl.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- wiggle
- waggle
- whirl
- wave
- wobble
- Instrumental music (optional)
- The Wiggle Dance chant
- Book: Wiggle! by Doreen Cronin (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2005) (optional)
The children will wiggle and waggle as they dance and practice saying the /w/ sound in words such as wave, wagon, and wand.
Literacy Activities
Wiggle and waggle
- Read Wiggle! by Doreen Cronin (optional) and have the children listen for words in the story that begin with the /w/ sound.
- Read the Wiggle Dance chant to the children.
- Have the children circle the letter W each time it occurs in the chant.
- Help the children write the letter W on a piece of paper and explain that the letter W makes the /w/ sound.
- Read the chant again and have the children wiggle and wobble their letter W each time they hear the /w/ sound in the chant.
- Teach the children the actions to the Wiggle Dance and then repeat the chant with the accompanying actions.
- Turn on music (optional) and allow the children to wiggle and waggle with their letter W.
More Practice
Read and write words with the target letter
- Have the children make a list of things that begin with the letter W that can be wiggled or waggled (e.g., wand, wheel, wagon, wig, worm). Support as needed.
- Fold two sheets of paper together and staple along the fold to make a four-page booklet.
- Have the children copy into their booklet the words from the W list to make a Wiggle Waggle book.
- Let the children draw pictures of their objects on the corresponding pages .
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SEEL Target Texts
Wiggle Dance Chant
I’m gonna wiggle, waggle, wiggle
/w/, /w/, /w/.
I’m gonna wiggle, waggle, wiggle
Won’t you wiggle with me?
I’m gonna wiggle and whirl!
And wave, “Woo hoo!”
That’s how the wiggle dance goes!
/w/, /w/, /w/.
I’m gonna wiggle, waggle, wiggle
Won’t you wiggle with me?
I’m gonna wiggle and whirl!
And wave, “Woo hoo!”
That’s how the wiggle dance goes!
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SEEL At Home
Associate the uppercase letter W and lowercase letter w with the /w/ sound as in wiggle, waggle, and whirl.
- The Wiggle Dance chant
- Instrumental music (optional)
Activity: Wiggle and Waggle
- Read The Wiggle Dance chant with your child.
- Emphasize that the letter W makes the /w/ sound, and help your child write the letter W on a piece of paper.
- Reread the chant and have your child wiggle the letter W each time he or she hears the /w/ sound in the chant.
- Teach your child the actions to The Wiggle Dance chant.
- Turn on music (optional) and do The Wiggle Dance together.
- Repeat as desired.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Wiggle and Waggle